Oh Yeah It’s Carnival Time!

Pickles on the parade route!

It’s carnival time down here in New Orleans, so please excuse my absence during this most magical time of year. Last weekend was the “first” weekend of parades, which is traditionally followed by another, longer weekend of parades leading to Fat Tuesday, but this year, there’s a “break” to allow for the Superbowl. It’s crazy times down here in NOLA.

Last weekend I not only watched the parades with friends and my favorite parade snack but I also marched in a parade.

Check me out in my first mardi gras parade appearance with the truly amazing and fabulous PussyFooters.

A PF marching with the PF’s!

Coincidence that I’m a PF (PickleFreak) and a PF (PussyFooter)?
I think not.

I’ll be back after Mardi Gras and I hope to see you along the route!


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