>The Pickle Picker

>Well, just in CASE I haven’t shoved this gorgeous article in front of your face personally, here ya go! I wanted to have a fancy, full sized version of this on the blog that is easy to read if you click on the full screen option. The Pickle Picker Pickle Freak (the blog!) turns 4 years old in May so I’ll have lots of things to post about for the anniversary. Thanks to Ashlea Halpern and everyone at Every Day with Rachel Ray for making this whole experience such a fun one!


>Pickle Freak Privileges

Yes, yes, yes, being a pickle freak certainly has it’s perks and privileges and one of the BEST is that I get to hob nob around with the likes of Shamus Jones of Brooklyn Brine. What more could a pickle freak gal want in a pal than someone that has their own pickle company? A couple of weeks ago I made a pilgrimage back to Brooklyn to see my favorite band (The Wedding Present) and had a chance to stop by Shamus’s pickle “factory” that will soon be a storefront serving barrel cured pickles and amazing sandwiches.

I got the full tour of the space, which is right off of 4th Avenue in Park Slope near the Brooklyn Lyceum, and loved seeing the progress Shamus has made in such a short amount of time. Sure, he works around the clock making awesome, creative, artisanal pickles, but he makes it look so easy!

Among the standout pickles I was lucky enough to get to try were the lacto-fermented pickles that will soon be for sale in their whiskey barrels in the Brooklyn Brine storefront Shamus is working on. They were simply the BEST naturally fermented pickles I have EVER tasted. EVER! If you live anywhere near Brooklyn, you need to be counting the days until you can walk up and get your own. I’ll be sure and let you know when it opens because I want to go back for the opening myself!

These pickles are made with hot peppers (as you can see) and also carmelized onions that do something magical to the flavor. Every time I take a picture like this one, I always like to think (and say) that this is what God sees when he looks down at my soul. I really hope my soul is as beautiful as this batch of pickles!

After our full tasting tour of the pickle factory, it was time for another type of refreshment. Beer…and more pickles. Once again I experienced true pickle freak luxury.We grabbed a jar of Brooklyn Brine Spicy Maple Bourbon Bread & Butter Pickles from the shelf and walked down the street to Mission Dolores, an awesome bar specializing in microbrews. Shamus has been working with Mission Delores and local breweries and creating pickles using ingredients they use in their beers. Needless to say, the results are pretty damn bad ass, as were the Spicy Maple Bourbon pickles….OH MY GOD, I can’t stop thinking about these pickles! I do not have the food writing skills to even come close to describing the crazy goodness of these pickles….maybe if I could eat 3 or 4 jars of them I could attempt it…Shamus? Are you reading this?

Anyway, all I’m trying to say is that being a pickle freak sometimes feels pretty luxurious and I sure am getting used to it, so god help us all if it ever ends!
Thanks to my pal Shamus and everyone at Brooklyn Brine, XOXO, Katy
