>Pickle Magic

>On the very day of Pickle Freak’s 4 year anniversary, I chose to celebrate at work by sharing, and when it come to pickle stuff y’all know that is a weak point for me. A couple of weeks earlier, the president of Van Holten’s Pickles did something totally awesome. He sent me an entire container of their Big Papa Dill Pickle Lip Balm. It’s something I hate to be without-it rescues me every time I need a pickle but can’t have one (which is pretty frequent ya know). I LOVE this stuff. So anyway, I decided to celebrate my anniversary and share with the people in my office. The reaction to the lip balm offer was either very high or very low, but I try not judge. I loved the ones who eagerly grabbed for a tube and secretly thanked those who didn’t (more for me!), but I honestly think that my willingness to share that day resulted in some very good give and ye shall receive type karma. While sitting at my desk, a tall guy with friendly face walked up and he looked a little familiar. My brain is always trying to place any person that is approaching but then I noticed he was carrying a quart of pickles. OH YEAH, I remember you!

Meet Juba Kali. Juba is a native of New Orleans and walked into my work place to check it out a few months ago and it just so happened that while he was there, someone was like “hey, weren’t you on The Food Network Star”? and then he was all like, “yeah, that was me” and then we started talking about food and blogging and food blogging. So how WEIRD is it that he remembered that I blogged about pickles AND that he brought me a jar on the 4 year anniversary of Pickle Freak!? I believe in small miracles and this certainly felt like one. A really, really delicious one. Juba explained to me that he’d always had an interest in pickling and had been making a few jars and selling them at local farmers markets so he thought he’d bring me a jar. THANK YOU JUBA. The pickled green beans are delicious-I say ARE instead of WERE because by another small miracle there are still a few left in the jar!

You can see in the picture all the ingredients listed or in the jar itself, but Juba hinted there was a “secret” ingredient and challenged me to identify it. So far my best guess is MAGIC? Seriously y’all, we need to do whatever it takes to keep this local food star pickling!


>I Heart Pickles and You Do Too

>Ok, well Pickle Freak is over 4 years old now so let’s celebrate and let our pickle freak flags fly! If Lance Armstrong were a pickle freak (he’s not, I’ve met him) he would wear one of THESE instead of a “live strong” band but he’s not so here’s a version for “my people” that is green and says “I Heart Pickles” on it. I have 3 to give away courtesy of the crazy pickle folk over at www.pickleaddicts.com

To get one, just visit their facebook page and leave a comment about anything pickle related but let them know Pickle Freak sent ya. I’ll pick 3 winners and I’ll send you a band quicker than Lance can peel a cycling shirt off. Once you’ve done that, have you SEEN all the crazy pickle stuff they have on their website? Jesus. I am DYING for one of the pickle scented candles (out of stock!)and I’m also really curious to try the Stu’s Bloody Mary Mix (and pickles too-they have been on my to order and try list all year!). I’m also excited that they carry the mysterious and powerful Original Beer Pickle made by my friend and pickle-kinfolk, Harold. I encourage anyone considering a pickle tattoo to be inspired by the label on that jar. I am a very proud owner and eater of almost everything on this site! But there ARE a few things I don’t have, so when you’re shopping for my 4 year anniversary gift, here’s a nice list to get you started: Pickle earrings Pickle coin pursePickle soapsPickle gumballs…yes, the thought of these actually make my mouth water and of course, I LOVE the pickle stationary If there is a pickle freak in your life deserving of a gift, I highly suggest you start your search for him or her at www.pickleaddicts.com or just email me for pickle suggestions based on their preferences-I’ve always got a ton of suggestions!


>The Pickle Picker

>Well, just in CASE I haven’t shoved this gorgeous article in front of your face personally, here ya go! I wanted to have a fancy, full sized version of this on the blog that is easy to read if you click on the full screen option. The Pickle Picker Pickle Freak (the blog!) turns 4 years old in May so I’ll have lots of things to post about for the anniversary. Thanks to Ashlea Halpern and everyone at Every Day with Rachel Ray for making this whole experience such a fun one!


>Pickle Freak Privileges

Yes, yes, yes, being a pickle freak certainly has it’s perks and privileges and one of the BEST is that I get to hob nob around with the likes of Shamus Jones of Brooklyn Brine. What more could a pickle freak gal want in a pal than someone that has their own pickle company? A couple of weeks ago I made a pilgrimage back to Brooklyn to see my favorite band (The Wedding Present) and had a chance to stop by Shamus’s pickle “factory” that will soon be a storefront serving barrel cured pickles and amazing sandwiches.

I got the full tour of the space, which is right off of 4th Avenue in Park Slope near the Brooklyn Lyceum, and loved seeing the progress Shamus has made in such a short amount of time. Sure, he works around the clock making awesome, creative, artisanal pickles, but he makes it look so easy!

Among the standout pickles I was lucky enough to get to try were the lacto-fermented pickles that will soon be for sale in their whiskey barrels in the Brooklyn Brine storefront Shamus is working on. They were simply the BEST naturally fermented pickles I have EVER tasted. EVER! If you live anywhere near Brooklyn, you need to be counting the days until you can walk up and get your own. I’ll be sure and let you know when it opens because I want to go back for the opening myself!

These pickles are made with hot peppers (as you can see) and also carmelized onions that do something magical to the flavor. Every time I take a picture like this one, I always like to think (and say) that this is what God sees when he looks down at my soul. I really hope my soul is as beautiful as this batch of pickles!

After our full tasting tour of the pickle factory, it was time for another type of refreshment. Beer…and more pickles. Once again I experienced true pickle freak luxury.We grabbed a jar of Brooklyn Brine Spicy Maple Bourbon Bread & Butter Pickles from the shelf and walked down the street to Mission Dolores, an awesome bar specializing in microbrews. Shamus has been working with Mission Delores and local breweries and creating pickles using ingredients they use in their beers. Needless to say, the results are pretty damn bad ass, as were the Spicy Maple Bourbon pickles….OH MY GOD, I can’t stop thinking about these pickles! I do not have the food writing skills to even come close to describing the crazy goodness of these pickles….maybe if I could eat 3 or 4 jars of them I could attempt it…Shamus? Are you reading this?

Anyway, all I’m trying to say is that being a pickle freak sometimes feels pretty luxurious and I sure am getting used to it, so god help us all if it ever ends!
Thanks to my pal Shamus and everyone at Brooklyn Brine, XOXO, Katy


>Harold’s Sissy Sweet Pickles

It’s been really amazing, as a pickle enthusiast to watch as so many new picklers have come along in the last few years. One of those picklers is a guy that otherwise may be a nuisance to society so let’s all thank the gods that he found an outlet in pickling. His name is Harold and he lives in Texas. He tells tall tales and is quick with a hug, wink or a kiss, like I said, he’s a Texan.

I’ve been lucky enough to meet the feller awhile back when he was in NOLA for The Gourmet Hot Sauce Show. At the time he was just testing out his latest recipe for The Beer Pickle that would join his first 3 types: Frances Cowley Original Dill, 2X Hot, 4X Hot. I’m a fan of all three, especially the beautiful label on The Beer Pickle jar that I think would look fantastic as a tattoo on my future husband or, foregoing marriage, a nice oil painting for my parlor. Anyway, while these pickles are all great, I was truly wowed by their latest addition, a so called “sissy” sweet pickle. I

Now, I’ve noticed a couple of things:
1-that I REALLY, really like sweet pickles but only if they are spicy and
2-there are now a shit load of these types of pickles out there and I couldn’t be happier.
Most people down South call them “Fire & Ice” pickles but perhaps you Yankees don’t even know they exist. Harold’s Sissy Sweet Pickles are here to ease your painful ignorance and then to cause you more pain. These are the hottest “sweet” pickles I’ve ever had and there’s nothing sissy about them, ‘cept the size of the jar. I need a barrel of these fine things.

You can order these fiery, not for the faint of heart pickles here or you can flirt with danger and contact Harold on their facebook page

You’ve been warned. Enjoy!


>Ohhhh! I Had a Pickle Cake!


October was totally nuts thanks to my extensive birthday celebrations that are now *officially* over…sigh….I’m sad because I still didn’t do everything I wanted to but nevertheless, I suppose it had to end. Anyway, here’s my awesome pickle cake that another of my cult devotees, Megan King, brought to my party at The Mayfair, the official Home of The Pickle Freak!

Did I say home? I meant bar. Same difference right?

I’m looking forward to blogging LOTS in the coming days to get you all caught up with my pickle pursuits!


>Dill Pickle Popcorn


My friend Jennifer Flynn is one of my biggest success stories-I have completely converted her to the Pickle Freak cult.
She was recently in Dallas and brought me back this bag of pickle flavored popcorn from Uptown Popcorn. When she sees anything pickle related, she knows she has to get it for me. As should all of you.

The bag was devoured in about 5 minutes. You can order all kinds of flavors (but why bother, just get the Dill Pickle) online. So if you’re gonna be the weird relative that sends a tin of popcorn as a Xmas gift, you can at least redeem yourself by getting cool flavors. They also have a size called “Party” that weighs 13 lbs-that’s what I want. You can email me for my address and ship that party my way.


>Hello, Lover


We’ve only met online but it’s pretty safe to say I’m in a relationship…with Naked Jay Vodka. JUST TODAY I learned from a coworker that there was a pickle flavored vodka out there and a quick google search and a tweet later there’s a bottle on it’s way to ME!

People, this is a big deal and yeah, I’m a little excited.
Go ahead and find your own bottle and we’ll meet back here to find out if you mix it or drink it straight from the bottle.
