>Pickle Freak Privileges

Yes, yes, yes, being a pickle freak certainly has it’s perks and privileges and one of the BEST is that I get to hob nob around with the likes of Shamus Jones of Brooklyn Brine. What more could a pickle freak gal want in a pal than someone that has their own pickle company? A couple of weeks ago I made a pilgrimage back to Brooklyn to see my favorite band (The Wedding Present) and had a chance to stop by Shamus’s pickle “factory” that will soon be a storefront serving barrel cured pickles and amazing sandwiches.

I got the full tour of the space, which is right off of 4th Avenue in Park Slope near the Brooklyn Lyceum, and loved seeing the progress Shamus has made in such a short amount of time. Sure, he works around the clock making awesome, creative, artisanal pickles, but he makes it look so easy!

Among the standout pickles I was lucky enough to get to try were the lacto-fermented pickles that will soon be for sale in their whiskey barrels in the Brooklyn Brine storefront Shamus is working on. They were simply the BEST naturally fermented pickles I have EVER tasted. EVER! If you live anywhere near Brooklyn, you need to be counting the days until you can walk up and get your own. I’ll be sure and let you know when it opens because I want to go back for the opening myself!

These pickles are made with hot peppers (as you can see) and also carmelized onions that do something magical to the flavor. Every time I take a picture like this one, I always like to think (and say) that this is what God sees when he looks down at my soul. I really hope my soul is as beautiful as this batch of pickles!

After our full tasting tour of the pickle factory, it was time for another type of refreshment. Beer…and more pickles. Once again I experienced true pickle freak luxury.We grabbed a jar of Brooklyn Brine Spicy Maple Bourbon Bread & Butter Pickles from the shelf and walked down the street to Mission Dolores, an awesome bar specializing in microbrews. Shamus has been working with Mission Delores and local breweries and creating pickles using ingredients they use in their beers. Needless to say, the results are pretty damn bad ass, as were the Spicy Maple Bourbon pickles….OH MY GOD, I can’t stop thinking about these pickles! I do not have the food writing skills to even come close to describing the crazy goodness of these pickles….maybe if I could eat 3 or 4 jars of them I could attempt it…Shamus? Are you reading this?

Anyway, all I’m trying to say is that being a pickle freak sometimes feels pretty luxurious and I sure am getting used to it, so god help us all if it ever ends!
Thanks to my pal Shamus and everyone at Brooklyn Brine, XOXO, Katy


>Back to Brooklyn

>Well, I may have missed The Brunch Experiment in NOLA but I had a few of my own in Brooklyn. My first experiment was to finally walk in a door I must have passed hundreds of times in Williamsburg and have brunch at The Roebling Tea Room. Bill Murray’s son is the chef there and I must say he makes a damn fine biscuit but it was the three large, beautiful jars of pickles on the counter that made me swoon.

My primary reason for returning to New York was to attend the opening of a show by the German artists Venske & Spänle at my former gallery Margaret Thatcher Projects. I was lucky enough to spend a couple of weeks in Europe with the artists last summer and it was so great seeing their work again and getting to spend time with them at their studio in Brooklyn. We spent most of the day around their table eating, well, brunch, and lots of cheese and of course, pickles.

This jar of Polish pickles was already on the table waiting for me and over the course of the afternoon and evening I (we) pretty much finished it off. We also made a trip to the wondrous grocery store a few blocks away called Western Beef where I spent most of my money on weird beverages like purple corn chicha and one lovely jar of pickled “tomato peppers” from a country I can’t remember. I also can’t find the picture of the pickles although I’m quite certain I took photos of it because it was SUCH a lovely jar…yeah, it was a really nice jar… anyway…

I spent lots of time buying pickles and eating pickles and going into stores and wondering if I should buy more pickles to take home with me but since I wasn’t checking my luggage I decided nothing was going back with me this time unless it was in my stomach so I was really glad that respected pickler Nick Horman of Horman’s Best Pickles came out to hang and eat more pickles with me my last night in town!

I’ve missed you Brooklyn and your brine (and yes, this is a subtle note to BROOKLYN BRINE that I missed seeing you dude)! I’ll be back!


>A Pickle Carol

Ahhh, it’s the holidays and here I am lips burning, eating a Van Holten’s Hot Pickle and gazing at my pickle ornament covered Xmas tree. I’m going to take this moment to watch yet another episode of Cops rather than watch It’s a Wonderful Life and share with you my pickles of the past, present and future, lord willing.

Pickles Past

You probably already know (or assume) that Santa has been leaving me pickles for many years now. It began with a gallon jar of pickles under the tree, and then a case of Van Holten’s in my “stocking” and eventually advanced to having a box of McClure’s pickles shipped from Brooklyn to Mississippi. Yes, Santa know’s me well, but seriously, any scrooge or elf or baby Jesus knows I LOVE PICKLES.

Pickles Present
So let’s hope Santa is quick enough to realize I’ve moved and that I have a few new pickles I’d like to find in my stocking this year. The first is Brooklyn Brine, a pickle really from my past but one I’m keeping in the present by letting Santa know he can order them online, buy them from Williams-Sonoma or give me a ticket to LGA so I can visit my pickle pal Shamus who makes the most amazing pickled Lavendar Asparagus, Whiskey Sours and Serrano Green beans among many others. Santa can also pick me up a case or two of my new local, “everyday” pickles-Stuarts Cajun Dills-these are spicy spears with a great homemade taste that I wish also came in slices and whole dills because they are so good and really hit my pickle spot.

Pickles Future
I have a whole list of pickles I want to try in the future but for now it’s going to take a Xmas Miracle to get these in my unemployed stocking, but I can say I DO believe in miracles and I might add I’ve been a pretty good girl this year. So here goes:
Tex Critter Pickles-a rootin’ tootin’ version of a Wickle which you know is my pickle CRACK

Rocket Pickles from Blackpowder Foods-hot habanero pickles!

Tru Pickles-how beautiful do these look?

Oh and Santa, I’d also like to mention that McClures Pickles now sell JUGS OF BRINE and I know how much we both like jugs.


>Keeping Up with The Shamus Jones’ of Brooklyn Brine

>It’s practically a full time job keeping up with Shamus Jones of Brooklyn Brine, but luckily, I don’t HAVE a full time job at the moment, so I’m just kickin’ back and reporting on how busy he’s been.

First, congratulations to Shamus and Brooklyn Brine on their first year of business. There was a party on July 31 to celebrate and it also launched his brand new Whiskey Sour Pickle. I was there for a only a second (it was packed) but I had a pickle and it was great. I’d also had a chance to preview a test batch and those I ate quite a few of and I can seriously say to you-EAT THESE PICKLES!

Then there was Shamus’ TV premier when he was featured on Food Crafters-a brand new show hosted by Aida Mollenkamp on the brand new Cooking Channel.

And there’s also the fact that Brooklyn Brine’s Lavender Asparagus was chosen as a Featured Fall Item in New York Magazine.

Oh and how about this?Cooking Light Magazine, in their October issue, named Brooklyn Brine Fennel Beets as one of their Best Tasting Products in their “Best of The Rest” category.

Crap, I also forgot to mention their write up in a little rag called The Wall Street Journal.

Sooo….if that doesn’t make you green with envy you can turn yourself green by entering the Brooklyn Brine Whiskey Sour Pickle Eating Contest that is going to held October 1 at Black Rabbit, a great bar in Greenpoint in Brooklyn. The competition starts at 9 PM and the first person to eat 6 jars of pickles wins $100! This is a competition that requires speed AND endurance and will hopefully become an annual tradition so that I can be there next year to compete and if you loose, well you just ate a ton of Brooklyn Brine’s Whiskey Sour Pickles so you still win!


>This is Going to Hurt: Saying Goodbye to Brooklyn (Brine)

>In a few days I’m loading my belongings into a truck and driving back to the South with my mother and a couple of friends. I’ve spent almost 7 years in Brooklyn, all of them amazing, all of them full of action, adventure, love, heartbreak and hard work. I’ve had 1 internship, 2 jobs, a couple of romances, a few times of being adventurously single, and 5 apartments. Now I’m ready for a new adventure…but first I have to say goodbye.

Starting this blog definitely changed my whole life in Brooklyn. I was immediately welcomed into the Brooklyn and New York pickle community and every single person I’ve met along the way has been amazing: Pickle Girl, Jennifer Takaki from The Pickle Club, Nancy Ralph from The NY Food Museum and Pickle Festival, Rick Field from Rick’s Picks, Bob and Joe McClure of McClure’s Pickles, Nick Horman of Horman’s Best, and George from Spuyten Duyvil Grocery.

But it’s Shamus from Brooklyn Brine I hate to say goodbye to the most. Shamus and I have known each other almost as long as Brooklyn Brine has existed. Over the past year we’ve found ourselves at pickle events and parties, and at band shows and bars.
We always, I mean always talk about pickles, but we’ve grown beyond just pickle talk and being able to count Shamus as a real friend means so much to me.

Shamus’ energy and enthusiasm for doing what he loves is inspiring and it’s not only limited to Brooklyn Brine-he’s got enough positivity to share with everyone and I feel privileged to have him as a personal supporter and friend. I’ve always been told to follow my dreams, but hearing it from you means more than you’ll ever know.

You deserve all the success in the world and I look forward to watching you achieve it. Thank you for your friendship Shamus-I’m gonna miss you (and your pickled lavendar asparagus)!!!!



>Let’s Catch Up: Summer Edition

This weekend is the Fancy Food Show at the Jacob Javits Convention Center in Manhattan, a place where I actually have no business being, except that pickles are considered FANCY FOOD! But before I head to that on Monday, I’ll be much more at home on Sunday at the UNFANCY FOOD SHOW in Brooklyn!

I attended last year and stocked up on McClures Pickles, Taza Chocolate and homemade Beef Jerky and this year I’m looking forward to hoarding Brooklyn Brine’s Lavendar Asparagus and Serrano Green Beans, which are pretty fancy, actually. Even I’m surprised I like both so much but that should tell you just how seriously good this stuff is. I can eat an entire jar of the asparagus in minutes…

I also hope to get caught up and tell you about some of the GREAT pickles I’ve received in the mail (you know how much I love mail), like the spears, jams and salsas I got from Lani in California all because I answered a question for her (the answer was WHEEL HOUSE PICKLES), the pickles and asparagus I got from a cop in Wisconsin, to the garlicky pickles from Brad Owens in the windy city…these are the pickles that got me reprimanded in a diner…but I’ll tell you all of this later. OH-one last thing - there is an exciting NEW PICKLE from Rick’s Picks that is guaranteed to spice up the summer!

Ok, we’ll chat more later, we have so much to get caught up on!


>Available (and you know you want it) at Market


Last Fourth of July my friend The Swarthy Menace (look at that chest ladies!) was in town and he invited me to a barbecue in Ditmas Park. When The Swarthy Menace invites you somewhere, you just go, but I was already “Ditmas curious” and the idea of grilling out in a yard, with grass, was heavenly to a homesick Southerner. I didn’t want to show up empty handed, so I grabbed a jar of McClure’s Hot and Spicy spears and hit the door. When I got there The Menace introduced me to the host, Tim, and a yard full of lovely people and while they helped themselves to the pickles I brought, I helped myself to the first of many Budweiser Tallboys…Happy Birthday America…

…I slept on the couch that night. Wait, no I didn’t, I slept on the cushions from the couch on the floor. But who cares. Playing croquet for 4 hours (that was just ONE game) and drinking all night with The Menace was worth it. The next day, Tim, our ever patient host, asked me more about the pickles I brought and where they came from, and where the hell I came from, and then eventually kindly called a car to shuttle my pounding head home. I bid farewell to The Swarthy Menace and left Ditmas Park determined to come again. Well, I moved here a few months ago but I’ve yet to make my way back to Tim’s croquet course (I have seen The Swarthy Menace again-this time in swarthy New Orleans)but I did, just last week, receive an email from him. I was expecting an invoice to have those couch cushions cleaned, but instead, Tim wrote to let me know how excited he was to find McClure’s Pickles in our neighborhood. What a pleasant surprise!

That’s right McClure’s Pickles are now available right here in Ditmas Park. Coincidence? Of course. But I’ll still take credit for it anyway. Mimi’s Hummus , on Cortelyou Road has recently expanded to have a small shop next door called Market. I stopped in last week to have a peek at the pickle selection. Not only do they carry McClure’s but also a couple of varieties from Brooklyn Brine (check out their hot new blog). I also spotted some clear quart containers with a handwritten label saying “Mimi’s Pickles” – house-made pickles for just 3 bucks!

So, Tim, I guess this means you don’t have to invite me over again just to get more pickles…but you can if you want to! I might be better behaved without a swarthy influence, but I can’t make any promises.

** And now the New York Times is, once again, finally caught up with Pickle Freak.


>Three’s a Charm

>*Note: This event is just ONE DAY AWAY! Woo HOO!
**Note: All of these pics are from our Pickle Happy Hour back in January at Uncle Vanya’s
***Note: My mom says this first picture looks like 4 green turds. Thanks Mom!

The third pickle party of this still brand new year is just days away and I’m here to lure you there. Here I go:



Pickles and Booze

Need more?
Ok-The Pickle Club and some of New York’s best pickle vendors and fans will gather on Thursday, February 25 in an effort to do OUR part for the aid of earthquake victims in Haiti. All you and I have to do is show up and eat pickles…we can have a nice cocktail and bid on items in a silent auction and eat pickles and have a nice cocktail. Did I mention there will be pickles and booze?

Seriously, please come out. Not only is it a good cause but it’ll be a whole room full of amazing, cool people. Come alone and mingle, bring a date or bring your office after work. It’s for a great cause and you know you want a pickle! I’ll be there eating my weight in pickles (for a good cause!) from Brooklyn Brine, McClure’s, Ricks Picks, Horman’s Best, The Pickle Guys, and Katchkie Farms (Thunder Pickles!) on Thursday, February 25, from 6-10 at the GS Lounge@ Gas Light, 39 West 9th Avenue at 14th Street.

Is it Thursday, February 25th yet?


>Rosendale Pickle Festival Part I (?)

>I’ve been waiting for years for two things:
1) to be able to go to the Rosendale Pickle Festival and
2) to see Jack Oblivian play in New York

Damnit if they didn’t fall on the same day: Sunday, November 22, 2009.
I decided to make it the best day ever, albeit a looooong one. The morning began at Port Authority where I met Jennifer Takaki. Yes, THE Jennifer Takaki of www.thepickleclub.com. We jumped on the bus only having briefly met one another at Pickle Day about a month before, and talked about pickles the whole drive up to Rosendale. The 2 hour drive flew by, at least for us. I felt sorry for the other passengers because we did not shut up about pickles the whole way and I snacked on the fragrant pickles she was awesome enough to bring me, probably the last thing most people on the bus wanted to hear or smell at 9 am…ok, there are worse things to smell on a bus but still I was sure the other passengers were apprehensive.

When we arrived at the bus stop we only had to cross the street to enter the 12th Annual Rosendale Pickle Festival. I felt drunk as soon as I walked in.

Bluegrass band. Chickens. Fried Pickles. Bagpipes. Pickles.Freezing cold. Japanese Tea Ceremony.Pickles. Flop-eared bunnies. More fried pickles (duh). Pickled cantalope. Pickled beets. Blue Ribbons. Farmers. Pickle vendors. More pickles. Trash talkin’. Pickle tossing. Pickle eating and pickle juice drinking… and yep, the whole day ended with vomit.

You can catch your own pickle buzz and see what I mean when you watch this video from www.thepickleclub:

Jennifer did a great job despite not having much audio control on her camera and I had my own camera problems. My camera died pretty early in the day and I’ll admit right here that I got really distracted by those chickens and barely managed to capture much of anything else. But one person did manage to capture something that day: my total admiration.

Her name is Joya Carlton and she is one half of Brooklyn Brine. I talked her into entering the pickle juice drinking contest with me just seconds before it started. She sat down next to me, hesitant, but full of quiet confidence. A 16 oz jar of Mount Olive Spicy Jalapeno Dills JUICE with a drinking straw was placed before each contestant-the MC shouted GO and about a minute later a winner was declared. I was stunned. I’d barely gotten started and I was really suckin’! I looked down and saw I’d barely reduced my jar of juice by an inch, and then I look to my right and saw Joya’s EMPTY jar.

The next events happened so fast I saw it all at once. Joya’s hand moved instantly to her mouth and her shoulders hunched. The 7 year old little girl at the end of table was in tears. Joya runs for the door. I staggered from the table and mumbled “holy shit” and followed her out the door. I’d already missed it: 16 ounces of Mount Olive juice regurgitated, Joya holds a one gallon jug of water triumphantly over head. Not to kill the heat of the juice, no, she’s not a wimp like that 7 year old, but to get the taste of the brine out of her mouth. She makes Brooklyn Brine pickles, by god, and has no tolerance for anything less. But she still finished the jar. Now that’s classy.

I felt drunk, tears were shed, someone had vomited, but the night was just beginning.

Joya and Shamus from Brooklyn Brine will be interviewed this Friday on All Things Considered. I can only hope this story comes up, but I suppose they’ll have plenty of other things to talk about…tune in!
