Back to Brooklyn Brine

972265_10200804234402005_806544230_n Let’s talk about my trip to visit Brooklyn back in June. I had a couple of reasons for visiting: 1) to visit friends & see a band at Maxwell’s before they closed forever 2) a few work related events and 3) to eat as many pickles as possible, as USUAL.  However, I have to admit the trip ended up being a Brooklyn Brine exclusive and that was just fine by me.


Shamus celebrated Brooklyn Brine’s 4th birthday earlier this summer and wow-the cool things he has done in that amount of time! The Brooklyn Brine pickle factory has grown from a borrowed kitchen to a shared space to his own space (and looking to expand). His wildly popular Hop-Pickle collaboration with Dogfish Head Brewery has put him on every popular pickle/foodie list out there and has even lead to his newest venture, the opening of a restaurant called The Pickle Shack, which is just DAYS away from opening!

I was lucky to get a sneak peak at the new Pickle Shack space and I can’t wait to go back and officially visit. While the menu will mainly consist of vegetarian and vegan friendly sandwiches, I will be going for the FRIED PICKLES…and the Dogfish Head beer!

Shamus made sure I didn’t leave without at least an armful of pickles. I was stocked up on hop pickles, whiskey sours, my FAVORITES the Spicy Maple Bourbons and of course some Damn Fine pickles.

1005862_10200804235642036_1848215747_nIf you aren’t in Brooklyn, you get Brooklyn Brine pickles at Williams-Sonoma stores and by the case online-try one of everything but get at least 2 jars of the Spicy Maple Bourbon pickles!




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