>Gurken Freak (Berlin)


Yeah, so you know how I missed last Sunday’s 10th Annual International Pickle Festival? Well, I’m still coping with the emotions and my doctor told me I should just compensate by wildly bragging about a trip I DID make: my pickle-y pilgrimage to Germany and Italy.

Yes, indeed, this small town gal FINALLY made it to Europe and while I’m sure everyone who has been claims THEIR trip was the most magical, I can confidently say, no, MINE was the most magical. I even saw a unicorn.

If I told you about everything we did on the trip you would just be sick with envy and you probably wouldn’t even believe half of it, so I’ll just stick to the pickle parts.

We landed in Berlin, and just off the plane, before we even checked into our hotel, we wandered into a small, smokey bar with 2 guys sitting there-it was not even 10 a.m. and these guys were either winding down a long night or starting off a long day, either way, I was impressed. As I peeked into the bar, I turned my head in the opposite direction and saw a small store across the doorway-rows and rows of pickles!
I felt like I had wandered into the Promised Land and took for granted that I would see such sights all throughout Berlin, so I didn’t venture in and I regret that I never made it back. The Promised Land would prove to be a little more elusive, as would the pickles…

…which eluded me in Berlin and it wasn’t until we explored East Berlin that I enjoyed an afternoon of beer and pickles. In a rather fancy organic market I snapped a photo of the pickle selection and was immediately reprimanded. I was scolded in German and told, I think, that photography is forbidden. Forbidden in East Berlin? Forbidden to photograph groceries or just pickles? AHHHH, international relationships can be soo tricky! Well, I bought the pickles and they seemed ok with that and after a stroll along Karl Marx Allee (where we were scolded again for our photography, geez)we stopped by the East Gallery for a rest. Just behind the East Gallery, which is the largest remaining section of the Berlin Wall, is the Spree River and along the river are a few places one can rest on the banks or even spend the night on a boat/hostel. We snacked on pickles and gummies and then boarded the Eastern Comfort for a frosty mug, and of course, more pickles.

After the sunset we crossed the river and said goodbye to East Berlin. Well, good bye for now…


>10th Annual International Pickle Day!!!

>The best day of the year is near upon us. Sunday, October 17th is the 10th Annual International Pickle Day held on the Lower East Side of New York from 11:00 am until 4:30 pm. It is the biggest and best celebration of pickles and preservation all year!

But this year I probably won’t be there. Moving to New Orleans has proven to be a slight distraction, albeit a LOVELY one, so I’m equally saddened to miss it and thrilled to be in New Orleans. The fact that this 10 year anniversary of the pickle festival is on my BIRTHDAY makes it even harder to not be there. Sigh……..

So in lieu of attending, I’m going to re-visit my Pickle Days of yore.

Are you tearing up like I am? I need a hug.
