Sunday, October 3, 2010

10th Annual International Pickle Day!!!

The best day of the year is near upon us. Sunday, October 17th is the 10th Annual International Pickle Day held on the Lower East Side of New York from 11:00 am until 4:30 pm. It is the biggest and best celebration of pickles and preservation all year!

But this year I probably won't be there. Moving to New Orleans has proven to be a slight distraction, albeit a LOVELY one, so I'm equally saddened to miss it and thrilled to be in New Orleans. The fact that this 10 year anniversary of the pickle festival is on my BIRTHDAY makes it even harder to not be there. Sigh........

So in lieu of attending, I'm going to re-visit my Pickle Days of yore.

Are you tearing up like I am? I need a hug.


McClure's Pickles said...

You will be missed. We will hold a pickle vigil (pigil) in your honor.

Thanks for putting us at the top of your list,

The McClure's Gang

Katy said...

I need a hanky...
But it does help that I just got an apartment in New Orleans down the street from St James Cheese Co.!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info