>Crazy for Tru


Just before Xmas I wished on my blog for a jar of Tru Pickles and Greg Skufca from the Tru Pickle headquarters in Colorado sent me a jar, well, 2 jars actually. The first jar never made it to my door and I suspect my crazy neighbor and I have one more thing in common now, but the second jar (yes, after wishing, I begged) DID arrive and I’m in looooove…!

We really it off and there was a time when we were inseparable. And we still would be if Tru hadn’t somehow slowly withdrawn from our relationship…what did I do wrong? Is it because I want to eat you? Please, why can’t you last forever? I want you as my “everyday pickles” but everyday there is less of you.

You are so cool, crisp and garlicky with the perfect amount of spice for anyone. If only every jar of pickles on my grocer’s shelf was just like you and if only I had a fridge FULL of you all to myself. If you readers live in a place where you can walk into a store and grab these pickles, consider me jealous. Crazy ex-girlfriend jealous. I’m driving by my own fridge right now and seeing if they’re in there.

2 left in the jar and about an inch of brine…please don’t leave me Tru Pickles!
Can I have your address? It’s only fair, you already have mine…and my crazy neighbor’s. I swear it wasn’t me.

