Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Vlasic Pickles is launching a new pickle and as I was trying to sort through my ANGER at this campaign ( I usually welcome ANY new pickles on the scene...) I found THIS article on Gothamist.com with my exact thoughts and emotions expressed perfectly by the very articulate Bob McClure of McClure's Pickles.

Here's a snippet from their obnoxious press release ( I was invited to the "farm-to-table STYLE tasting event but I don't think I'll be flying back to NYC to attend):

You may be asking yourself, “what’s the big deal about a pickle?” Consider this the “pickle for everyday foodies” that answers the call for people who want to eat fresh and choose quality, but don’t want to drive across town to the specialty market or wait for the Saturday farmer’s markets to do so.

1-What's the big deal about a pickle? Well that question just pisses me off.
2-"Consider this the "pickle for everyday foodies"...but don't want to drive across town to the specialty market-So you mean it's the pickle for foodies who don't really give a shit and are too lazy to drive? THOSE FOODIES?
3-"...or wait for the Saturday farmer's markets..." or so either the lazy ones who don't want to drive or the impatient ones who can't wait, THOSE FOODIES...

Maybe by putting "everyday" in front of "foodies" just means assholes.

See? I'm really upset by this. Why can't they just come out and say, with all these fantastic people making awesome pickles we thought we'd better get our shit together and make a product that you're gonna demand from us anyway or else we'll go out of business eventually. OR they could come out and say "we're seeing young, creative, passionate people creating a market that we can dip into, so, hey, we ARE!"

And what really makes me the maddest is... I still wanna know what they taste like.


Violet said...

vlasic has a stork for a mascot.
void on all counts.

artisinal bullcrap on a tuscan cracker

randasfans said...

Everyday and all day, same family pickle. P.S. "Maybe by putting "everyday" in front of "foodies" just means assholes." You're a writer; keep writing.