>Going Places

On Sunday I’m leaving for the Land of Pickles, or Germany as you may know it. It’s my first trip to Europe after a lifetime of being a hick from a small town, which has proved to be very charming for me, so let’s hope I don’t come back too worldly, with a taste for the good life.

I will land in Berlin and then travel to Munich in Bavaria. Gherkins from the Spreewald Valley will be my constant companion throughout, along with this guy:

When I get back I will tell you which is weirder, the boy or the pickle in a can. I can already tell you which is more travel-friendly and which is more can-like.


>Hot Winner

>Congratulations to Vicky Z, winner of the www.snubbr.com hosted giveaway of Jam It, Pickle It, Cure It by Karen Solomon. Vicky it’s no doubt your no-nonsense approach to staying cool helped you achieve this glory!

Eliminating clothing IS key to staying cool folks! It’s just that simple.

Thanks again to everyone for coming out of the woodwork and saying howdy!


>I wanna love this, but I’m not touchin’ it


I see this strange Dill Pickle Dip concoction every time I go to Target (which is not as often as you would think, considering my family background) and I fight with my blog-induced desire to try everything for the sake of bloggeristic integrity (wha?) and my very real dislike of “creamy” things. Dislike of creamy things reigns .

Can anyone out there, who is not traumatized by the sight of mayo or anything resembling it, report on the dip? If it really tastes like pickles would I be tempted to eat it? Yes, but someone’s gotta convince me first.


>Jam It, Pickle It, Cure It-GIVEAWAY!

>Hello Freaks!

Now is the time for you all to come out of your cool, dark, hiding places and leave a comment. The nice folks at Snubbr.com are giving away a copy of the book

Jam It, Pickle It, Cure It by Karen Solomon to one of my lucky readers and all YOU have to do is leave a comment telling us your favorite tip for staying COOL during these HOT days of summer.

I hope it involves pickles or perhaps drinking out of mason jar, but regardless, leave a comment for a chance to win this awesome book, and please leave or send your email address so I can contact you if you win! Ok, get to it-you have ONE WEEK!

And after you’re done, go to snubbr.com and ask for expert recommendations on anything from pickles to mason jars or gift ideas for that “special someone you know” who loves pickles and mason jars.
