Thursday, July 8, 2010

Jam It, Pickle It, Cure It-GIVEAWAY!

Hello Freaks!

Now is the time for you all to come out of your cool, dark, hiding places and leave a comment. The nice folks at are giving away a copy of the book

Jam It, Pickle It, Cure It by Karen Solomon to one of my lucky readers and all YOU have to do is leave a comment telling us your favorite tip for staying COOL during these HOT days of summer.

I hope it involves pickles or perhaps drinking out of mason jar, but regardless, leave a comment for a chance to win this awesome book, and please leave or send your email address so I can contact you if you win! Ok, get to it-you have ONE WEEK!

And after you're done, go to and ask for expert recommendations on anything from pickles to mason jars or gift ideas for that "special someone you know" who loves pickles and mason jars.


echoeve said...

I love the blog....

I stay cool by sitting in front of a fan. Or being in a room or car with air conditioning....I don't know how people got along before AC....LOL


grandmap said...

Just in time for canning season!

Denise S. said...

I stay cool by staying inside in air conditioning and only running errands early.

Meagan said...

Its sooo hot out! Me and my pooch are sitting listening to the radio and reading your blog and eating pickles from the local deli. YUM I'd like to be entered in your contest PLEASE! :)

sandy said...

i stay cool by taking a dip in the ocean and drinking fresh-squeezed lemonade from my mason jar!

Bailey P said...

silent "stalker", love the blog! I live in WA so it's not as hot here but we live right by the river so we walk down and take a dip when we get to our melting point after a long day of canning.

Maureen said...

I ride home from work really fast on my scooter before the air can hit me...then I make a chilly salad and top it with my homemade pickles (green beans, cucumbers, carrots) and sit in the A/C. My cats don't like pickles so they stay away from me and my salad!

Anonymous said...

Well, being preggo, I DO eat a lot of pickles...I have been staying inside and running errands at night to stay cool.

CarolHarrity said...

Fresh Fruit from the frige is a great treat wihout heating up the kitchen. My office ceiling fan starts really early in the day and I sit under it.

Ellen said...

I stay cool as possible with fans and of course ice tea. Drinking out of a mason jar is fun, but any glass will do that gets real cold with the tea( we actually have a Mason Jar restaurant here that serves drinks in a mason jar ).

Toby said...

I stay cool by staying in air conditioned rooms.

slb3334 said...

by staying inside during the day.

Katy said...

I LOVE it when you guys pop up and say hello, even if I do have to bribe you with a prize. My tips include, cold showers, sun dresses, and slowly, over the course of many years, replacing my warm blood with brine.

Mona said...

Drink lots of cold iced tea. And sit near the window unit...we get only a few hot days per year so no central air, alas!

chromiumman said...

i'll only say this once - drinking brine keeps one cooler

chromiumman (at) mail (dot) com

Melanie said...

In AZ the only things you really can do is go in water or stay in your A/C to keep cool.

melanieinaz2003 at yahoo

Kelly Dz ( said...

Fresh lemonade and a dip in the pool!

Michaela said...

Hooray for pickles!
I keep cool by shade jumping with my dog, walking in the nearest creek and drinking kraut juice.
Would love the book.

Vicky Z said...

I stay cool by
1) eating a whole box of rocky road ice cream followed by a bottle of ice water
2) ice baths
3) Jamba Juice in the afternoon
4) laying in bed nude ^_^

marthajane said...

Eating cold juicy watermelon is my favorite way to stay cool in the summer!

krstrpp said...

This might sound a little strange, but I stay cool at work by taking my shoes off and resting my feet on a frozen ice pack (under my desk). It works amazingly! Thanks for the chance to win the book. (krstrpp at hotmail dot com)

sweetsue said...

I just came in from playing in the sprinkler with my grandsons. I am much cooler and very relaxed!
smchester at gmail dot com

Benita said...

Of course staying in, in an air conditioned place is great, but we do like to go out and swim. The water is lovely.


Max Bulkchest said...

I am 3 days into my first batch of salt brine fermentation green plumb tomatoes and dwarf cukes.

What is everyone's preference for pickled items: Vinegar/fresh-pack or fermented the old fashioned way?

I've made 7 batches of amazing beer now so fermentation seems to be working for me but my experiments with vinegar and mason jars left a sour taste in my mouth.

Please excuse the ridiculously long comment but my re-ignited passion for pickles has just begun after plowing through this blog's archives.

Katy said...

Hi Max!
I prefer the fresh pack/vinegar method but I believe that's because it's the style of pickle I grew up eating and making with my mother. I eat so many pickles though, that I welcome the taste of ANY pickle just to keep it interesting. Lacto-fermented pickles are GOOD for YOU. I tried making a batch last summer and messed them up quite royally, but they were so much fun to make regardless! I will try again soon. If you have any tips or recipes feel free to email me at

Rachel said...

I stay cool with central air conditioning and leaving the fan on...also helps my house has storm windows that add an extra layer of insulation

loni said...

I stay cool by lounging in the AC or in front of the fan with my dogs and cat.

trippyjanet at hotmail dot com

Deborah said...

Other than turning into a couch potato, I'm not familiar with any way to actually stay cool in this weather...but I do have a trick for cooling down quickly when you've worked up a...glow: run cold water (from the sink) over your wrists for a few minutes.

henryrae said...

We don't have a/c this year and it has been pretty hot! So, my daughter and I have been hanging out at our wonderfully cold local library around 3:00 p.m. when we can't take it anymore. They are very kid friendly and have a great play area that she enjoys very much.

Jaime and Matt said...

Homemade lemonade in mason jars and crunchy cool dilly beans - not necessarily at the same time.

Elizabeth Rose said...

I splash my face (or arms/legs/full shower) with water, then stand right in front of the fan. Ahhh.
Happy to find your blog this early morning.

rah267 said...
I am 39 years old and I still like a run through the sprinkler on a hot day

Anonymous said...

If it is hot enough, I have been known to hit the slip-n-slide with my kids!
greenlancer at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...

Splashing around with my kids in a plastic pool I bought for ten dollars!

Nickolay said...

My best tip for staying cool is to hit the lake and do a little swimming. Its the best


snowluvnferret said...

I stay cool by drinking lots of iced green tea

rugerpuppies at hotmail dot com

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Bakersdozen said...

I freeze water and juice to take in the car for road trips. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

plhill2000 said...

My tip is to keep plenty of iced tea on hand and get the A/C serviced.

Melissa B. said...

I stay cool by taking a dip in the pool.

Sandy said...

1) stay inside out of the sun
2) don't cook, eat peanut butter and pickle sandwiches instead

kimbly said...

We run our fans throughout the house and avoid the hottest part of the midday sun. Lots of iced tea, slushes and snowballs too!

kimbly at g mail dot com

Viva said...

We drink lot's of home made lemonade and eat cold pickles! (I need to learn how to make them...this book would be awesome.) Contact info on my blog. Thanks!!

FDP 4 Life said...

stay inside and eat some popsicles
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Stephanie Thompson said...

I love this! We have no A/C up here in Seattle where we rarely need it, so as a family we do camp outs in the basement to hide out from the heat. The kids love it! As for pickles, my kids insist on drinking the brine - gotta loveit! (

Gianna said...

Having iced tea wherever I go!

PickleLady said...

I drink gallons of sun-brewed iced tea with mint (sorry, usually not out of a mason jar), and eat spicy, salty, delicious zydeco (aka "dilly") pickled beans and lacto-fermented green tomatoes and cukes with lots of garlic and hot peppers. Cold drinks and spicy pickles are the best combo to beat the heat!

clarity said...

Lots of unsweetened iced tea with lemon in a big mason jar. :) Fresh fruit always makes me feel cooler. So does leaving the kitchen - today we're making the food in jars garlic pickle recipe!