Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Going Places

On Sunday I'm leaving for the Land of Pickles, or Germany as you may know it. It's my first trip to Europe after a lifetime of being a hick from a small town, which has proved to be very charming for me, so let's hope I don't come back too worldly, with a taste for the good life.

I will land in Berlin and then travel to Munich in Bavaria. Gherkins from the Spreewald Valley will be my constant companion throughout, along with this guy:

When I get back I will tell you which is weirder, the boy or the pickle in a can. I can already tell you which is more travel-friendly and which is more can-like.


hypnorotator said...
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hypnorotator said...

hmmm - please define "can-like"?
- Xan

Katy said...

"can-like" could range from "tinny" referring to a metallic taste or coloring or it could refer to my mother's home cooking.

LB said...

I wish I was on that trip.