Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I wanna love this, but I'm not touchin' it

I see this strange Dill Pickle Dip concoction every time I go to Target (which is not as often as you would think, considering my family background) and I fight with my blog-induced desire to try everything for the sake of bloggeristic integrity (wha?) and my very real dislike of "creamy" things. Dislike of creamy things reigns .

Can anyone out there, who is not traumatized by the sight of mayo or anything resembling it, report on the dip? If it really tastes like pickles would I be tempted to eat it? Yes, but someone's gotta convince me first.


Shanna said...

Hi! I came across this blog entry because (after purchasing this dip today and LOVING it) I googled the dip to see if I was the last one to discover it. It's kind of like a milder (and healther- only 20 calories a tablespoon) version of tartar sauce...kind of. Very creamy and little chunks of pickles with total pickle flavor. I tried it on veggies this afernoon and with mahi mahi tonight for dinner. Chips would work too. YUM! :)

Katy said...

Thanks Shanna! I'm a little scared of the creamy parts, but glad to hear it's actually PICKLE-Y. And I LOVE that you liked it so much you googled it and found me! It's funny that I only imagine dipping chips in dip, but you've reminded me that normal people eat veggies and fish and stuff!

Ernest said...

Have you seen Old Dutch Dill Pickle potato chips? They taste like the last few chips at the bottom of your paper plate at a BBQ that have soaked in some pickle juice! They are delicious. I'd like to try them with that dip........Is there such a thing as too much pickle? I don't think so.