>A Pickle Carol

Ahhh, it’s the holidays and here I am lips burning, eating a Van Holten’s Hot Pickle and gazing at my pickle ornament covered Xmas tree. I’m going to take this moment to watch yet another episode of Cops rather than watch It’s a Wonderful Life and share with you my pickles of the past, present and future, lord willing.

Pickles Past

You probably already know (or assume) that Santa has been leaving me pickles for many years now. It began with a gallon jar of pickles under the tree, and then a case of Van Holten’s in my “stocking” and eventually advanced to having a box of McClure’s pickles shipped from Brooklyn to Mississippi. Yes, Santa know’s me well, but seriously, any scrooge or elf or baby Jesus knows I LOVE PICKLES.

Pickles Present
So let’s hope Santa is quick enough to realize I’ve moved and that I have a few new pickles I’d like to find in my stocking this year. The first is Brooklyn Brine, a pickle really from my past but one I’m keeping in the present by letting Santa know he can order them online, buy them from Williams-Sonoma or give me a ticket to LGA so I can visit my pickle pal Shamus who makes the most amazing pickled Lavendar Asparagus, Whiskey Sours and Serrano Green beans among many others. Santa can also pick me up a case or two of my new local, “everyday” pickles-Stuarts Cajun Dills-these are spicy spears with a great homemade taste that I wish also came in slices and whole dills because they are so good and really hit my pickle spot.

Pickles Future
I have a whole list of pickles I want to try in the future but for now it’s going to take a Xmas Miracle to get these in my unemployed stocking, but I can say I DO believe in miracles and I might add I’ve been a pretty good girl this year. So here goes:
Tex Critter Pickles-a rootin’ tootin’ version of a Wickle which you know is my pickle CRACK

Rocket Pickles from Blackpowder Foods-hot habanero pickles!

Tru Pickles-how beautiful do these look?

Oh and Santa, I’d also like to mention that McClures Pickles now sell JUGS OF BRINE and I know how much we both like jugs.


4 thoughts on “>A Pickle Carol

  1. >I graciously shared the last of my Stuart's Cajun Dills office jar with my cohort due to the reconstruction of the office kitchen and lack of refrigeration. I need to hit the Rouses up for a new jar. Maybe some of their okra, too…mmmm…

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