Sunday, January 2, 2011

Full Circle

A year ago, probably to this exact day, I was visiting New Orleans. I rang in the New Year with old friends I was lucky to see once a year in a town I hadn't visited in years, years that were "Pre-K". The thought of moving to New Orleans had been swirling in my head ever since the storm and my trip last year was a visit to check it out and to "test" whether or not I could see myself living here. I'd written my friend Brad earlier and half jokingly said "convince me to move to New Orleans" and a few days later he responded with a thoughtful and heartfelt list of reasons to live here that pretty much did what I asked... I couldn't get down there fast enough and when I did, the voice inside my head said "Yeah, You Right!"*

During my visit, Brad shared with me his mom's homemade pickles he'd been given while he was home visiting her in Mississippi for Xmas. They were sweet and onion-y and made with love. I found these pictures of the pickles and Brad today as I was browsing, wondering how to start off my new year on the blog.

So as I begin my New Year in my New Orleans, and NOT as a visitor, I want to thank Brad and his wife Julie for their hospitality, generosity, sense of humor, and enthusiasm for life in this beautiful city. I'm glad they are old friends who are new again. I'll be lucky to call them old friends again. So here's to new friends, new pickles, new experiences, new love, and New Orleans (* And to peppering my speech with New Orleans sayings)!

Happy New Year Everyone!!!


Michael M. said...


LB said...


Brad said...

It's a better town with you in it. Happy New Year!