Friday, July 11, 2008

Pickle Crack

On a regular basis my mother is nice enough to ship me a box or two filled with some of my favorite southern "goods". A usual shipment will be cans of Ro*tel and bags of Golden Flake brand pickle and hot chips, but today there was a little somethin' special in teeny, tiny jar of Wickles Pickles.

I'd had Wickles before but it had been awhile and lately my mother has been talking them up quite a bit and felt I needed to re-visit them. She says they are soo good that when she eats them, she has to limit herself to just 4 at a time, otherwise she would eat the whole jar...ok, I cracked open the jar, I ate one, oh my dear lord, I have a new pickle problem...

Wickles are made in Dadeville, Alabama and after doing a little research, I'm wondering how come I wasn't born into this family and if it's not too late to marry into it. These thick-sliced pickles are sweet, but not too sweet,(I don't even like sweet pickles!) because they're made with both white vinegar and cider vinegar,and they have a serious heat to them, a nice, slow burn which would thrill me to no end if I where to sit and eat the whole jar and set my mouth on FIRE, which is exactly what I plan to do as soon as I get more of these. I ate half the jar for lunch at work, took them to the bar with me after work and ate a few and a few beers later I was pouring the juice into my beer. What? Ok, fine, YOU order some Wickles and tell me these aren't pickle CRACK.

Wickles come in 16 oz jars and 64 oz jars. Guess which one I'm ordering?