>Lynnae’s Gourmet Pickles-January’s Pickle of the Month!


Please, please, please let me introduce you to the pickles that have me running straight to the fridge as soon as I get home. Ladies and gentleman, meet the lovely lady Lynnae of Lynnae’s Gourmet Pickles!

These pickles are made in Tacoma, WA by Lynnae herself based on her grandmother’s recipe. She started out much like all of you other picklers out there, making them for friends and family and one day found she couldn’t keep up with the demand AND her day job, so she took some time off and the next thing you know, she’s a full time pickler. Her sister-in-law and another friend have joined in her venture and are the 3 women behind this delicious company. I’m really excited to have these ladies join in on the pickling fun along with my pals over at Miss Jenny’s Pickles! We need more women in pickles!

I think their move to the pickle business was a wise one because I cannot get enough of these pickles. They are definitely unique in that they combine my favorite new sweet flavor with a spear form-YES-these are the first sweet pickles I’ve ever had that weren’t cut into slices. I also really love their balance of sweet and heat and GARLIC!

Look at this picture above-that’s the first jar I opened and the garlic was nice and spicy and lingered with every bite….yummmm….let’s hope they make a pickled garlic soon!

These pickles come in 2 varieties, the Mrs. Pickles which are the original family recipe and the Hot Mama Pickles which have a few added jalapenos for extra heat. I couldn’t detect too much difference in the heat levels but my tongue may be immune since I eat so much spicy stuff, so if you’re nervous, stick with the original but either way you will be pleased with the delicious punch of flavor these pickles pack!

If you’re pickle palate is craving something a little different-try these please!


>Pickle News & More!

>The great ladies behind Miss Jenny’s Pickles participated in the President’s Jobs Council and look where it landed them-AND their pickles-in CHINA. Congrats to you guys and please send us posts from your adventures in China!

Oh, I’m going to be profiled in an upcoming book by Andrea Chesman and published by Storey Publishing called The Pickled Pantry! I’ll be sure to brag about that even more once the book is available!

Back in September I attended the International Food Bloggers’ Conference at The Hotel Monteleone (home of my fave (non-pickle) drink the Brazilian Sparkle at The Carousel Bar). I had an amazing time, met wonderful people with great blogs and I ate like a rich person. If you’re a food blogger yourself, I highly recommend attending any of the IFBCs-the next one is November 11-13 in Santa Monica!

New Blog Buddies from IFBC:

One Hundred Eggs

Chef It Yourself

Native Palate

Bite and Booze

Seattle Food Geek

Capdeville, the awesome bar & restaurant that just happens to be next door to my job, is now serving FRIED PICKLES-coincidence? I think not, but then again I DO take credit for anything pickle related that happens anywhere near me. These are unlike any fried pickles I’ve ever had because the batter is chock full of tasty buffalo style hot sauce-GENIUS! They could be a little crisper but the batter to pickle flavor is spot on.

Ok, guys, I’m really sorry for such lazy blogging but with so much going on I’m struggling to keep up. But DO STAY TUNED for a very thorough upcoming report on Naked Jay Pickle Vodka!


>UnFancy VS Fancy

>Last Sunday was the 4th Annual UnFancy Food Show held at The Bell House in Brooklyn and I went to check it out. As I approached the venue I saw a few food vendors outside offering sausages and pizza and made a mental note, but I went ahead to the bar and got straight to Pickle Freak business: my first “official” bloody mary made with McClure’s Pickles Bloody Mary Mix.

I say “official” for 2 reasons. One, I worked for McClures at Pickle Fest a few years ago and it was my duty that day to pour sample shots of their spicy brine mixed with tomato juice. I knocked back many a shot that day which surprised me because there was no booze included and I didn’t even think I liked tomato juice! The second reason is because I’ve never ordered a Bloody Mary from a bar, ever. Well, what can I say? My life has changed FOREVER. It was a spicy meal in a glass with booze! Who needs solid food when you can sip the best meal ever through a straw AND get a buzz? Am I late to the whole idea of Bloody Marys or am I early to the “Drink This, Don’t Eat That, Loose Weight and Maybe Be an Alcoholic Diet”? Well, as the kids say “it’s all good”.

And yes indeed, everything else I had that day was good too. After I sipped my breakfast/lunch I crawled through the super crowded aisles and did some sampling: bacon flavored peanut brittle, beer flavored popcorn, ginger soda, bread and olive oil and my absolute favorite of the whole day, besides the magical Bloody Mary, Sweet and Spicy Beef Jerky from Geralds. Holy cow, I would like to eat a whole cow’s worth of that stuff.

And then I remembered the vendors outdoors…I had worked up a thirst, so I got a raspberry and basil popsicle from People’s Pops while Moto made me a fresh margarhita pizza…and damn, after that I was done. The UnFancy Food Show was definitely a successful event, but I felt like this year’s new location was already outgrown by the event. The vendors were packed in and the aisles were teeming with people, add to that mix live bands, DJ’s and booze and you have a party more than a showcase and that’s why I had to leave before I snapped and yelled at the 400th person to elbow past me, stop, turn around 3 times, and then elbow me again.

The next day I set out for the Fancy Food Show at the Javitz Center in Manhattan. This was my first time to go and its sheer massiveness was a refreshing change from the day before. I could somewhat leisurely wander the aisles and I was able to chat with the vendors at every single booth I stopped by and my first booth to find was Miss Jenny’s Pickles from Kernersville, NC.

I reviewed Miss Jenny’s Pickles a few months back and I was excited to meet my fellow Southern pickle pals so I could thank them for getting me a pass into the show. I found them on the outer fringe of the room and was graciously welcomed. OH how I love Southern Hospitality! Miss Jenny introduced me to her husband and BFF and I introduced her to The Pickle CLub TV and William from “50 Best.com” who is compliling a list of the 50 best pickles (I hope he is using PickleFreak.com as an invaluable resource). I was lucky to have the chance to sample all of their pickles once again, including their new Habanero Bread & Butter Pickles, which I literally ate an entire jar of for supper the next night.

It wasn’t just Miss Jenny and her crew who were super nice that day. I found every vendor who’s booth I wandered into extremely gracious that day. I fell hard for several products from Low Country Produce, especially their spicy pickled garlic and Noel, the owner, couldnt have been nicer. I also met the woman behind Cheriwith Valley Pickles which happen to be the very first “fancy” pickles I got hooked on…$14 a jar at Dean and Deluca, but man….totally worth the price if you can’t make your own! Of course I saw Rick from Rick’s Picks too. He was a little swamped with wheelin’ and dealin’ but he totally took the time to give me a Pickle Person t- shirt, which, of course, I will probably be buried in, so, Thank You Rick! Oh and I got to try his new Sriracha Flavored “Hotties” Pickle-I have an unopened jar with me right now (I’m on a bus to Boston by the way!) that I will eat over this 4th of July weekend! I also met the woman behind Root Cellar Preserves based in Boston and my, was she lovely! I tried her whole line of pickles and it was such an awesome experience-truly like being a kid in a candy store.

I’ll be sharing more with everyone soon on all the old AND new pickle vendors I staggered across that awesome weekend. But I’m due at the beach, so later!


>Pass the Salt & Pepper Pickles


Pass the Salt & Pepper Pickles WHAT?
Pass the Salt & Pepper Pickles PLEASE.

Yeah, that’s right, watch your manners. These are MISS JENNY’S pickles and she’s a lady dammit. Well, actually, she’s two ladies……

Miss Jenny’s Pickles is a brand spanking-new pickle company that started just last July in Kernersville, North Carolina by two Southern gals (’bout damn time!) named Ashlee and Jenny. They offer 3 varieties of pickles: Bread & Butter, Hot, and Salt & Pepper and they were nice enough to send me jars of all three!

I ate the hot ones first and as is usually the case they were gone before I could drag a camera out and shoot them…but even a half empty jar still looks pretty damn good doesn’t it? I started with the hot pickles and then a few hours later I cracked open the Bread & Butter Pickles and I was tricked into thinking they tasted the same. So I got all three jars of pickles out and treated myself to a little “taste test” all in the call of “duty”.

I was shocked by how similar they all tasted in my memory and how completely different they tasted once I had them all side by side. Each variety really has its own distinct flavor: the first two you can probably imagine already as I’m sure you’re familiar with Bread & Butter Pickles and you know what “hot” means don’t you? It would be easy to say the “hot” ones were just a spicy version of the bread & butter ones, but it wouldn’t be completely wrong either. The Salt & Pepper flavor was what really had me excited. The base flavor was once again similar to the other two-a bright vinegary taste with just a hint of sweetness and cider vinegar but then, you guessed it, a sharp twang of BOTH spices you’re used to shaking on your mashed potatoes.I’ve never heard of this kind of pickle and as far as I know, Ashlee and Jenny are the only ones making them. I’m told they are based on a recipe from Miss Jenny’s grandmother and that it took several attempts to get the recipe just right.

Well, I’ll say they’ve done it. These pickles belong on your checkered,oil-cloth covered table, in your picnic basket and in your fridge! Pass the Salt & Pepper Pickles PLEASE. Be nice or your won’t get any.

You can support this small, independently, female owned pickle company by clicking here and learning more and by calling their toll free number for ordering. Something tells me that whoever answers the phone will be the nicest person you talk to all day!
