>Pickle Kin


Harold, purveyor of gourmet pickles from Texas is most certainly my kin folk. I first “met” Harold via this here ol’ blog when he left a comment on one of my posts urging me to stop messin’ around with other “hot” pickles and to try his instead. After corresponding back and forth it was theorized that he may be my long lost father…’cept my dad is alive and well and I look just like him, so, love ya Dad, but there is no doubt that Harold and I are related somewhere along the brine line.

Well, I called him out about his pickles not messin’ around and sure enough, he had the smarts to send me a whole box of his pickles: a jar of the original Frances Cowley dills, a jar of his “2X” hot pickles with habaneros and a jar of his “4X” extra hot pickles with even more habaneros. I’ve got all 3 sitting in my fridge right this moment, no doubt keeping the other jars in there highly entertained. These are sassy pickles from Texas with a salty sense of humor.

All of these pickles come in thick, chunky slices, which I love, because for me they are a mess-free meal, only a fork need be “dirtied”. The original Frances Cowley dills are just a simple, straightforward dill that tastes better than anything Vlassic, Mount Olive etc can sell you. My friend Ruby Verbena tried them at the NOLA Hot Sauce & Gourmet show and shrieked with delight (of course, Harold, I must point out, at this point she had yet to taste MY pickles, just sayin’…). My friend Annie tried these the other night at my house and said they had just the right amount of heat for her, anymore would be too much. She is a wimp (I’m kidding Annie, just testing to see if you read the blog). The 2X or “Purdy Hot” pickles and the 4X or “Dern Hot” are the same recipe as the Frances Cowley dills just accordingly spiced up with habanero peppers, although I SWEAR my 2X pickles are hotter than the 4X ones! What makes these pickles unique is their super salty taste, so if you’re the type that adds salt to your tortilla chips, margaritas and cans of Tecate, these are for you.

After Harold sent me this big box of love from Texas, I had the pleasure of meeting him at the NOLA Hot Sauce & Gourmet Show. He welcomed me like family and I was happy to learn he is even funnier in person than his witty facebook updates and happier to know that he was even more hungover on that Sunday afternoon than I was! He and his pickle crew attended some sort of open bar for the show vendors and he declared that it was a flat out mistake to put him anywhere NEAR an open bar. Like I said-KIN FOLK.

And just like kin, Harold didn’t let me leave without a jar of his brand new pickle offering-The Beer Pickle-which I have to say is the COOLEST jar of pickles I’ve ever laid my briny hands on and it deserves its own post-my google search of “beer pickle” has already turned up some very interesting things so stay tuned.


>Rocket Pickles


I just ate the last two DELICIOUS pickle spears in my tiny, precious jar of ROCKET PICKLES.

I am in mourning.
This small jar of pickles was one of the most powerful I’ve had in awhile. I rationed out small nips of the brine and limited myself to only a couple of spears at a time all while my gluttonous instincts said “eat the whole jar NOW!”…

I was sent this lovely half pint of habanero seasoned pickles back in January after perusing the website for Black Powder Foods based in Rutland, Vermont and adding them to my Xmas wish list of pickles. The pickles arrived in January so you can clearly see how much restraint I have used in nibbling them. The Rocket Pickles are just one of many pickle varieties they offer, (naturally I went straight for the hottest) but they have LOTS more and I’m already working on my pickle budget so I can get them ALL!

Perfect Pickle Spears-yep!
Tarragon and Rosemary Pickled Garlic-ok!
Haba-Dilly Beans-now please!
Margarita Pickles-must.have.
Sunshine Pickles (Lemon, Pepper and Rosemary)-oh yeah
Habanero Relish-I love pain
Dark Matter Hard Candy (habanero CANDY)-This would make a great band name and yes I must have this!

Well, Black Powder Foods, you’ve been warned…I like what you do and I’m going to make sure you keep doing it.
I will mourn the loss of my Rocket Pickles but will celebrate knowing more will be launched my way soon!


>Martha Stewart I am Not


But I can offer you this budget friendly tip that will make you and the pickle freak in your life happy…and warm…and maybe even tingly. The next time you’re at the supermarket, invest in a gallon jar of jalapenos and then take whatever less than exciting store bought pickles you have on hand (or “invest” in a jar of these too)
and stick ‘em down in the jar of jalapenos.

The longer you leave them in the jar, the HOTTER they will get. Unlike Martha.


>Welcome Home Hotties

I flew from Munich to Paris to New York City earlier this week. Returning back to Brooklyn was difficult after what was a truly magical trip to Europe. I was tired and hungry and had no groceries so I turned to the two things I ALWAYS have on hand: Pickles and Pasta.

I boiled some noodles and opened the fridge and saw my almost empty jar of the newest delight from Ricks Picks-Hotties-a ridged pickle slice flavored with Sriracha Hot Sauce and lots of garlic. I mentioned before how tired I was, so all I did was boil the noodles, drain them and then I took a spoon and got a great big scoop of the minced garlic in the reddish bottom of the jar of Hotties and dumped it on my noodles along with the few remaining pickle chips.

Perfect first meal back home.


>Pass the Salt & Pepper Pickles


Pass the Salt & Pepper Pickles WHAT?
Pass the Salt & Pepper Pickles PLEASE.

Yeah, that’s right, watch your manners. These are MISS JENNY’S pickles and she’s a lady dammit. Well, actually, she’s two ladies……

Miss Jenny’s Pickles is a brand spanking-new pickle company that started just last July in Kernersville, North Carolina by two Southern gals (’bout damn time!) named Ashlee and Jenny. They offer 3 varieties of pickles: Bread & Butter, Hot, and Salt & Pepper and they were nice enough to send me jars of all three!

I ate the hot ones first and as is usually the case they were gone before I could drag a camera out and shoot them…but even a half empty jar still looks pretty damn good doesn’t it? I started with the hot pickles and then a few hours later I cracked open the Bread & Butter Pickles and I was tricked into thinking they tasted the same. So I got all three jars of pickles out and treated myself to a little “taste test” all in the call of “duty”.

I was shocked by how similar they all tasted in my memory and how completely different they tasted once I had them all side by side. Each variety really has its own distinct flavor: the first two you can probably imagine already as I’m sure you’re familiar with Bread & Butter Pickles and you know what “hot” means don’t you? It would be easy to say the “hot” ones were just a spicy version of the bread & butter ones, but it wouldn’t be completely wrong either. The Salt & Pepper flavor was what really had me excited. The base flavor was once again similar to the other two-a bright vinegary taste with just a hint of sweetness and cider vinegar but then, you guessed it, a sharp twang of BOTH spices you’re used to shaking on your mashed potatoes.I’ve never heard of this kind of pickle and as far as I know, Ashlee and Jenny are the only ones making them. I’m told they are based on a recipe from Miss Jenny’s grandmother and that it took several attempts to get the recipe just right.

Well, I’ll say they’ve done it. These pickles belong on your checkered,oil-cloth covered table, in your picnic basket and in your fridge! Pass the Salt & Pepper Pickles PLEASE. Be nice or your won’t get any.

You can support this small, independently, female owned pickle company by clicking here and learning more and by calling their toll free number for ordering. Something tells me that whoever answers the phone will be the nicest person you talk to all day!


>Zayda’s Pickles

Ohhhhhhh My God. Have you heard of Zayda’s Pickles? Probably not unless you live in Philadelphia like a lucky bastard. I had my first taste of Zayda’s on that early morning bus ride I took with Jennifer from The Pickle Club to the Rosendale Pickle Festival back in November (I think it was 9:56 AM, Saturday, November 22nd, 2009).

She told me they were made in Philly by a guy who didn’t advertise and had no website, he just made pickles and sold them to bars, delis and anybody who wanted them, mostly out of a rented Ryder truck. If you saw him in the pickle truck you could walk up and get your own. And oh yeah, he’s also a comedian. I immediately started to picture my new life in Philly…

Zayda’s Pickles are a regional specialty made by a regional orginal, Steve Slutsky, and I for one, hope it stays that way. A quick google search for Zayda’s Pickles turned up a long article about the man behind these pickles and the toilet-seated tricycle he rides around town, but not much else. Steve Slutsky doesn’t feel the need to expand his business or cast a wider net for customers…if you live in Philly, you can find his pickles, and if you don’t, well, tough titty.

Enter Kevin Finklea.

Kevin is an artist based in Philadelphia and “lucky” for me, has a show up at the gallery where I work. When he came up to install his show he brought me a jar of Zayda’s…and it just so happens to be my opinion that Kevin Finklea is the finest living artist we have in America…in the world if he brings me a jar of pickled cherry peppers when he comes to de-install.

Zayda’s Pickles are really crispy and have a great full sour flavor and the spice goes all the way through the pickle and stays with you the entire time. You can smell the peppery spice as you bring it to your nose and it’s surprising when it actually tastes as spicy as it brags to be. I usually don’t go too crazy for Kosher style pickles, but I will buy as many jars of these pickles as I can from ANYONE in a toilet-seated tricycle. Hopefully it’s Steve Slutsky, who’s known to say “Eat the heat. Poop there it is”.



>Available (and you know you want it) at Market


Last Fourth of July my friend The Swarthy Menace (look at that chest ladies!) was in town and he invited me to a barbecue in Ditmas Park. When The Swarthy Menace invites you somewhere, you just go, but I was already “Ditmas curious” and the idea of grilling out in a yard, with grass, was heavenly to a homesick Southerner. I didn’t want to show up empty handed, so I grabbed a jar of McClure’s Hot and Spicy spears and hit the door. When I got there The Menace introduced me to the host, Tim, and a yard full of lovely people and while they helped themselves to the pickles I brought, I helped myself to the first of many Budweiser Tallboys…Happy Birthday America…

…I slept on the couch that night. Wait, no I didn’t, I slept on the cushions from the couch on the floor. But who cares. Playing croquet for 4 hours (that was just ONE game) and drinking all night with The Menace was worth it. The next day, Tim, our ever patient host, asked me more about the pickles I brought and where they came from, and where the hell I came from, and then eventually kindly called a car to shuttle my pounding head home. I bid farewell to The Swarthy Menace and left Ditmas Park determined to come again. Well, I moved here a few months ago but I’ve yet to make my way back to Tim’s croquet course (I have seen The Swarthy Menace again-this time in swarthy New Orleans)but I did, just last week, receive an email from him. I was expecting an invoice to have those couch cushions cleaned, but instead, Tim wrote to let me know how excited he was to find McClure’s Pickles in our neighborhood. What a pleasant surprise!

That’s right McClure’s Pickles are now available right here in Ditmas Park. Coincidence? Of course. But I’ll still take credit for it anyway. Mimi’s Hummus , on Cortelyou Road has recently expanded to have a small shop next door called Market. I stopped in last week to have a peek at the pickle selection. Not only do they carry McClure’s but also a couple of varieties from Brooklyn Brine (check out their hot new blog). I also spotted some clear quart containers with a handwritten label saying “Mimi’s Pickles” – house-made pickles for just 3 bucks!

So, Tim, I guess this means you don’t have to invite me over again just to get more pickles…but you can if you want to! I might be better behaved without a swarthy influence, but I can’t make any promises.

** And now the New York Times is, once again, finally caught up with Pickle Freak.


>Olan Who?

What the hell? It’s already been over a week since Pickle Day and I’ve barely gushed about it, so here goes, Part UNO of my possibly endless Pickle Day recap:

OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. OH my god…it was soooooo much fun. I barely slept the night before and got up early that morning so I could meet Pickle Girl for a quick shot of caffeine and sugar before we headed over to set up our tent. Oh yeah, me, Pickle Girl and Pickle Club TV shared a tent this year. I didn’t just work Pickle Day this year, I WORKED Pickle Day this year.

In pickle days of past (yore?) I always made it a point to have my picture taken with the big green papier mache pickle I always found there, lingering about the festival, so this year, when the organizer of the event said “sure, you can help!” I knew right away what I wanted to do. I wanted to set up a photo backdrop that would give Olan Mills and K-Mart a run for their holiday photo money.

And by damn, I think we succeeded. I’m framin’ mine.

I posed for this picture at least 20 times that day with ALL the pickle celebrities so you can imagine how crushed I was later in the day to realize my camera was missing. I’m convinced that Pickle Day has been and always will be a crime free event, so if you picked my camera up by mistake, it’s OK. We can meet and you can return it and we’ll relive the whole day when we browse through the pictures again!

But in the meantime, if any of you out there have pictures from the big day, please upload them to the flickr group I created (you have to have a yahoo/flickr account and then joing the group) OR you can just email them to me…

Ok, next time I’ll tell you all about the pickles I ate and the pickle I met!


>Lit (Mandingo Pickles)

>You know your crazy Uncle Randy? The one that drinks too much on the Fourth of July and “accidentally” lights firecrackers in the house? Well… I think he makes pickles now…

Mandingo Pickles are made in Owosso, Michigan by 3 guys who apparently spend their time kickin’ ass-both in the field of motorcross and pickling. I don’t know jack about the world of motorcross but I DO know a thing or two about pickles. These pickles come in 2 varieties- crazy GARLIC and crazy HOT.

The HOT pickles are bathed in crushed red pepper and who knows what else. The entire bottom 1/4 of the jar is bloody red and when you pull out a spear it has a slight reddish tint to it. I love HEAT, you know that, so I was thrilled when I ate these and they actually scared me a little bit. They seemed a bit like the result of a practical joke. Like a crazy uncle that would “spice up” a regular jar of pickles and then DARE you to eat them and then kick back in your dad’s recliner with a Coors Light, while your dad gets all agitated that he’s in HIS chair, and laugh at you while you eat them and then ask you to bring him another cold one.

Well, I love my crazy Uncle Randy and his pickles and I’d be happy to oblige him with another cold one and hey, use MY lighter for those bottle rockets!

Order your hot ones (or garlic ones) TODAY from the Mandingo Pickles website and get your uncle another beer while you’re up.
