Monday, October 12, 2009

Olan Who?

What the hell? It's already been over a week since Pickle Day and I've barely gushed about it, so here goes, Part UNO of my possibly endless Pickle Day recap:

OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. OH my was soooooo much fun. I barely slept the night before and got up early that morning so I could meet Pickle Girl for a quick shot of caffeine and sugar before we headed over to set up our tent. Oh yeah, me, Pickle Girl and Pickle Club TV shared a tent this year. I didn't just work Pickle Day this year, I WORKED Pickle Day this year.

In pickle days of past (yore?) I always made it a point to have my picture taken with the big green papier mache pickle I always found there, lingering about the festival, so this year, when the organizer of the event said "sure, you can help!" I knew right away what I wanted to do. I wanted to set up a photo backdrop that would give Olan Mills and K-Mart a run for their holiday photo money.

And by damn, I think we succeeded. I'm framin' mine.

I posed for this picture at least 20 times that day with ALL the pickle celebrities so you can imagine how crushed I was later in the day to realize my camera was missing. I'm convinced that Pickle Day has been and always will be a crime free event, so if you picked my camera up by mistake, it's OK. We can meet and you can return it and we'll relive the whole day when we browse through the pictures again!

But in the meantime, if any of you out there have pictures from the big day, please upload them to the flickr group I created (you have to have a yahoo/flickr account and then joing the group) OR you can just email them to me...

Ok, next time I'll tell you all about the pickles I ate and the pickle I met!