Saturday, October 25, 2008

The first step is admitting you have a problem

Last week I came to the conclusion that perhaps I was getting a little too much sodium in my diet and thought maybe I would benefit, physically, from a week or so off of pickles...a pickle detox, a sodium flush was in order.

I made it about 20 minutes.

So I've decided that before I try to detox again, I should keep a pickle log of just exactly how many pickles I eat in a week. I want to more closely examine my pickle intake and really be aware of how many I eat before I decide if I can really go cold turkey on pickles.

I have to admit that my pickle intake this coming week, beginning Sunday, will be a bit more conservative than it was last week, when I polished off a 64 oz jar of Wickles on TOP of my normal steady pickle diet...

I've been known to keep charts and logs before, but I promise this one will be more suitable for mixed company..or the 10 people who read this.

Ok, one week left before the agony of prohibition.