Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I'm a Foodie...sort of

A few weekends ago Canning Across America kicked off their nationwide movement but I had to pack and move my Pickles Across Brooklyn that weekend so I celebrated vicariously through LB, the winner of my big fancy giveaway of a home canning kit.

LB made 8 jars of pickles that weekend totally unaware of the "canvolution" she was taking part in. She just wanted to make some pickles and so she did, damn good ones too (so I hear). Like LB, I too have just gone about doing what I love to do- typin' and eatin' pickles-totally unware that my pickle obsession was introducing me to something much bigger. While selfishly seeking out more pickles to consume I've found myself attending things like The UnFancy Food Show, taking classes, religiously reading Edible Brooklyn and yes, even quoting Michael Pollan...

No, the irony is not lost on me...I eat Slim Jims and Chef Boyardee and I would rather have Frito chili pie than sushi but here I am, a Pickle Freak amongst all the foodies and the welcome, so far, has been amazingly unselfish. I've learned that just by doing what I love, I can support independent businesses and local farmers, preserve a cucumber and a family recipe, meet my favorite pickle makers and even mingle with the foodie crowd. I'm really glad to be in your company but no, I'm still not ready to try that beet salad, but, um, thanks anyway!


LB said...

I pickled asparagus this weekend! I think it turned out great. And it makes my pee smell funny which is something I strive for every day.
I'm hooked. Pickling isn't that difficult. I actually enjoy it. Cold beer is a must.
Thanks for inspiring me, Pickle Freak!

Katy said...

LB-I am so proud of you!
I highly suggest you check out girl cans and pickles everything and has great pictures and instructions-she will inspire you!

LB said...

Believe it or not, I got my recipe for asparagus from

Katy said...

I believe it! She's awesome!

Ruby Verbena said...

Yay, Pickles! Thanks for not letting that awesome prize go unused, LB. I had a garden catastrophe before I could get anything pickled, but I plan on hitting up the farmer's market this weekend to scrounge out the last of the season's cucumbers. I tried the grocery store, but man those suckers were almost a buck apiece!!!