Saturday, March 21, 2009

Don't be Alarmed

The New York Times paid me a great compliment last week by writing a little number on the disappearing pickle places on the Lower East Side just like I did just a few days (or has it been weeks?) ago.

I'd like to point out that my piece has a much more optimistic tone to it than the Times'...I mean, Pickling the FINAL PICKLE? Don't we have enough in our lives to cause alarm? Do we really need headlines like THIS on a Sunday Morning?

Don't let these tactics scare you. There are plenty of pickles out there and if there weren't I'd be the first to let you know.


Michael M. said...

Katy for NYT pickle correspondent!

Anonymous said...

i think you have enough in your fridge to give to anyone that is in need of a pickle

randy said...

If we don't eat pickles, the terrorist win.

randy said...

If we don't eat pickles, the terrorist win.

pixen said...

Why does the Newpapers or TV had to create alarms? IT's totally blown out of proportions ain't it? Don't worry, I'm looking forward to your postings! I wonder if their reporters did really ventured out to hunt for pickle pushers!

I seconded Michael M!