Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Well, Well, Well...(HURRY!)

Dear Ruby Verbena,

There is a deadline to claim your prize so please, please, email be before 8 pm TODAY, August 12!!! If for some reason you cannot perform your duties, a runner up will be chosen!

Whaddaya know? BRIBERY WORKS.

The winner of the Ball Brand Fresh Preserving Kit from Jarden Home Brands is Ruby Verbena.
So Ruby, please email me (picklefreakblog@gmail.com) with your mailing address ASAP so I can get this awesome prize on its way to you!

I chose this winner for 3 reasons:

1. I want pickles and there's no shame in that.

2. She began her comment, with "Dear Pickle Freak". Now that's just good home trainin' right there.

3. She is unemployed, as are so many of you out there right now, and what better way to stretch a dollar than to win a free prize AND make your own pickles from your own garden? The good folks at Jarden, Pickle Freak and all the other canners in the canvolution are happy to help and further the movement!

I was really glad to see so many comments and I enjoyed discovering and reading your blogs. It's inspiring to know so many people are out there canning and canning all sorts of things too. So far I've only pickled cucumbers (that's just part of my freakish nature, again, no shame in that!), but I'm really curious to try green beans, carrots, peppers and even watermelon rinds one of these days and I certainly feel like I have all of you guys to fall back on for advice and recipes, so gosh, thanks guys!

Again, congratulations to Ruby Verbena, who obviously plays dirty, and sincere thanks to everyone for popping up and saying hello! There's a CANVOLUTION going on out there and now we're ALL a part of it!


yoyokid said...

dear pickle freak,

If you would like some pickled okra in brine made from my tears please let me know.. --sniffle-- :)

Katy said...

Dear YoYo Kid,
I'd like a bottle of your goat sauce and a small vial of your fiery tears.
Don't worry, there will be MORE giveaways to come...and you're just sniffling because of the hot sauce...you can't fool me!

LB said...

I wore plastic gloves to chop my "goat pepper" for salsa last night. It didn't matter. My eyes burned hours later when I took my contacts out. And this morning when I put them back in. But the salsa was so great!

Ruby Verbena said...

Dear Pickle Freak,

Yay, I won! I really hope I didn't find out too late.

The cucumbers will thank you when they arrive on your doorstep, dressed as pickles. I hope.

Thanks, Pickle Freak, You're the BEST!

Ruby V.