Friday, August 14, 2009

I Want a Clean Fight

If you haven't been too busy keeping up with Toddlers and Tiaras, there has been plenty of drama around these parts. I had a fabulous prize to give away this week and after fierce competition (including a "sportswear" round) I crowned Ruby Verbena the winner...and then she just disappeared.

I was forced to choose my runner up, "LB", but not before checking with her to make sure there was no foul play involved and she assured me that her boyfriend had no idea she was even in this competition and therefore couldn't wack Ruby Verbena in the knees on her behalf. Plus, we don't even know who Ruby Verbena really IS.

But we do NOW! Ruby emailed me today, tragically late, and lo and behold, I KNOW her (in fact, once lived with her but had no idea of her alias!) and so does the new winner LB! I have tried to calm down the obviously distraught "Ruby" by letting her know that even though she was stripped of her crown, pot, rack, funnel and tongs, there will be MORE giveaways to come (mostly just stuff from my house)...and that if she and LB wrestle over this prize to please, please, videotape it for the blog.

So Ruby, put in your flipper and smile through the pain. LB, get to picklin' something besides your liver and perhaps, through the crazy magic of pickling and canning, the two of you might even one day share (but don't videotape that, just the wrestling)!

P.S. the picture above is from the North Carolina Pickle Princess Pageant! Am I too old to compete?


LB said...

Gulp. What a small world/state!
I will now begin researching witness protection programs. It's ok though. I am ready for a new look.

LB said...

And in the words of my dearly departed MJ: I'm a lover, not a fighter.

Ruby Verbena said...

I'm only a little sad. I didn't even cry. It's my own fault. That's what I get for driving all over the state and not checking my favorite blog. THE ONE DAY I DON'T CHECK! OH, WOE IS ME! I suggest that when next you visit, you check the status of the prize. If LB hasn't used the equipment, she forfeits her prize, and you take it back to Pickletown with you. To be fair, and all.

I am going to have to find a steel pot, because I think my giant pot is aluminium. Thanks for reminding me about the vinegar reacting! I could have ruined all my cucumbers!

Don't worry, Pickle Freak. As promised, you'll get your pickles. A bribe is a bribe, no matter the outcome.

LB, get to pickling!

Ruby Verbena said...

Ok, I admit, I pouted some. Most of the afternoon, in fact.

LB said...

I've got cukes but no kit. Yet.

Katy said...

Don't let those cukes sit around too long! You can pickle without the kit (have I whined enough that I don't have a kit?)
If you have any questions you know where to find me!

Anonymous said...

Dear Author !
I apologise, but, in my opinion, you commit an error. Let's discuss it.

Katy said...

Yes! Let's discuss it-you go first.