Thursday, June 11, 2009

I'm a Believer

Back in May I took a pickling class at The Brooklyn Kitchen with pickling wizard, Bob McClure. That's him in the picture, and if it looks a little blurry that's because he's standing behind a vaporous curtain of steaming vinegar and water.

June is Pickling and Canning Month at The Brooklyn Kitchen. They offer all sorts of great classes and have everything you could possibly need for whatever it is you like to conjure up in the kitchen.

Bob really impressed me with his ability to talk about the scientific side of pickling (pH balances etc) all the while sterilizing jars and packing them with mustard seeds, chopped bell peppers, jalapenos and asparagus. Yes, that's right, we made pickled ASPARAGUS. If you had asked me before I took this class if I liked asparagus I would have said NO. Firmly. But when I opened the pickled pint I got to take home after the class I couldn't believe it myself! I like ASPARAGUS...or pickled asparagus at least and if you know me and my unreasonable distaste of vegetables, then you know, THIS IS MAGIC!

When Bob McClure is not performing magic with vinegar, he's actually out there, well, performing. He is Jed in the hilarious The Burg and the writer and creator of Alls Faire. I have to say Bob McClure IS a wizard "which is funny because I'm pretty sure there were no wizards in the Renaissance...or ever."


picklemom said...

you ate asparagus? pigs. flying.

Ruby said...

I think picklemom may be right. What's next? The pickleocalypse?