Monday, September 21, 2009

Screaming Pickle Sauce-Hot Damn!

I want this.
I want this.
I want this.

One of my highly paid staff members in the research department found this today. It's from a restaurant in Savannah, GA called the Moon River Brewing Company. My schedule is too tight to fly down there right this minute so I'm going to have my assistant order some for me. The label says what should be my motto "Everything Tastes Better with a Pickle!" Amen.

Randy, are you seeing this?


randasfans said...

We ate there back in May; but I didn't have any of this! I've got "people" going to Savannah in Oct. If they don't ship lemme know and I'll call in a favor!

Katy said...

I can't believe you were THERE and no one had the courtesy to squirt this all over your food. Lousy service.

Harold Dufrene said...

You've got to keep us updated! Looking forward to seeing what you think of this sauce!

picklemom said...

Hey Pickle Freak,
Where can I get a Pickle Freak tshirt?

Katy said...

So far there's only ONE in existence...but that could all change some day...