Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bon Apetit

Have I ever told you how much I love fried pickles? Oh.. I have?
Well, here I go again.

My longtime collegetown of Oxford, MS was just featured in the October issue of Bon Apetit and they featured my favorite place to eat there, Ajax Diner. I've already told you that Ajax Diner has the BEST FRIED PICKLES EVER but Bon Apetite didn't. They write about the fried pickle spears from Philips Grocery which are, I admit, really damn good but they are fried spears which are my second favorite way to eat them. My friend Randy at Ajax does them up right. Look at this picture and notice the thin, crispy edges on those babies...not only are they perfectly thin and crispy, the batter is perfectly seasoned and you get a WHOLE HEAPIN' BUNCH of them on your plate (when I finally stopped eating long enough to take these pictures I'd already eaten beyond the "Dr. recommended" amount).

It's been a good week for Ajax Diner, because not only did they get the mention in Bon Apetit but they also have a really big fan in Eli Manning who talked up the place in a recent article for In case Eli ever gets a hankerin' for Ajax's fried pickles, I recommend a little spot in Brooklyn that comes pretty close.

Sure, you can try the ones at Rodeo Bar in Manhattan and get a teeny portion or in Park Slope at Corner Burger you get a heap for cheap. Corner Burger occupies the spot that was once the Curry Shop that was connected to the Chip Shop...and Chip Shop is known for their claim that they will "Fry Anything"...well, they never fried pickles, and yes, I ASKED. The burgers here are really, really good too and a whole basket of fries costs you only $3.95!

Though the batter is a little too thick (just barely) and the pickles could use a little kick, the price is right, and the burgers are good. You're welcome Eli.


picklemom said...

I can't ever pass up an opportunity to give an "amen" on Ajax fried pickles. And did anyone notice that hot sauce selection in the background. I prefer Louisiana hot sauce, it's the perfect compliment to fried pickles. By the way, made a perfect batch of fried fresh jalepenos this weekend. I tried a method I read about, first soaking fresh slices in water (not milk or egg), then tossing in ziploc of pancake batter powder mix(heavily seasoned with salt, pepper, cajun), then putting slices on a wax paper covered tray in freezer until ready to cook. PERFECTO.

Katy said...

I DISTINCTLY remember telling you the tip about putting them in the freezer and you said "who has TIME to do THAT?"
Yeah, I'll find it in an email somewhere...but anyway, I must compliment you on your fry allegiance. You always go the extra mile and should be congratulated on it.I love you!

Anonymous said...

Good day!

I just wanted to say hi to everyone
