Wednesday, May 28, 2008

KOOLICKLES: A Special report from Twinkle Van Winkle

A very special thanks to Twinkle and Jeff Clark. Please visit poprockcandymountain to view the full report on Koolickles and to check out Jeff's awesome website.


Jeff said...

Katy!! Thanks!

You fucking rock! I can say fuck on here, right?

Katy said...

Please note that it IS indeed proper Koolickle etiquette to wipe one's mouth on their t-shirt is also acceptable for beer drinkin' is frowned upon, however, when eating crawfish and boiled peanuts.

Aimee said...

Dear Lord...I don't know what to say. Koolickles and beer and a porch swing. What more could a girl want?

Michael M. said...

How come it's wrong for eating boiled peanuts? I had some pretty good boiled peanuts when I was at home earlier this month. I don't remember where I wiped my mouth. Also, I ate a snowcone almost every day.