Saturday, March 28, 2009

Fine Print (Details)

My friend David in Memphis sent me this article from Details Magazine today. I know it's a little hard to read and I spent about 2 minutes online trying to find the link but I gave up. So let me just read the fine print for you.

First of all it declares that "Pickling, once used to make fruits and vegetables last through barren winters, has officially gone from homespun necessity to highbrow obsession."

That's right, HIGHBROW. So if making pickles is now a highbrow obsession, what does that make talking about a highbrow obsession? I guess I just went from "crazy" to "passionate".

To the left is a list of the best jarred varieties of cucumbers, green beans, carrots, etc. Congrats to MY FAVES McClure's Pickles for best pickled cucumbers and to all the others as well, Rick's Picks, Wheelhouse Pickles and Real Pickles, all of which are linked to right here on Pickle Freak...except for a new one to me, Tillen Farms. I checked them out and while they don't have a straightforward pickle variety they DO offer pickled sweet bell peppers...ummmmm...highbrow!


Anonymous said...

I gotta try those pickled green beans...David

Sour Puss said...

I really want to try Wheelhouse pickles, Sour Barrel Cucumbers, but they don't ship that variety to the West Coast! I sent them an email attempting to guilt them into it, but I still haven't heard back. =P