Saturday, November 29, 2008

Contents: 1 Pickle Freak

Early on in this blog I talked about my childhood experience with Pickles-In-A-Bag and I assumed that everyone knew what I was talking about but the other night I was at home and had one of those pickles in a bag and decided it was time for it to be eaten. I proceeded to eat it in my very specific way and I caught my boyfriend gaping at I was a...freak?

Him: What the hell is that?
Me: It's a pickle in a bag (I'm sucking pickle juice from the small hole in the bag)
Him: ?????
Me: Do you NOT read my blog?
Him: ...most of it...
Me: Well, then, you should know about these, it's one of the first things I blogged about
Him: You should go look in the mirror and see what you look like

Well, I DID go look in the mirror and saw my lips pushed up against the plastic bag, sucking away, and you know what? I was just fine with what I saw.