Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Stay Tuned

Eatin' pickles and typing at the same time is EASY. The hard part is typing and watching TV at the same time...so I've fallen a little behind on reporting all my recent pickle activity. In an effort to hold your attention against all the competing blogs out there (mostly on the right hand side of this screen...I'm talking about YOU Jack Pendarvis!) here's a little preview of all the fascinating things I've yet to write about:

My fried pickle experience in Bushwick and my first encounter with Pickle Soup in Greenpoint!
My very recent obsession with HANDY CORN by Ricks Picks and the awesome sampler pack he sent me!
Being chosen as a highlighted blog on Foodie Blog Roll (shift your gaze to the bottom of the screen) and Leftover Queen which landed me lots of new Pickle Freak pals!
Planting my very own cucumbers and dill and signing up for a Pickling Class taught by Bob McClure!

Being a Pickle Freak has been very rewarding lately and I promise that as soon as Antiques Roadshow is over I'll turn off the TV and get back to you...and I hope you'll get back to me!


Anonymous said...

what about doris and mike? you always give shout-outs to the big fancy pickle guys and gals...what about the southern gas staion picklers...or have you forgotten your roots...city slicker!

Katy said...

Oh don't worry- I'm working on a big fancy production for Doris and Mike! They may even have a key to the city of Aberdeen by the time I'm through!