Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Grocery Store Find: Poland's Finest

I can't walk into a grocery store and NOT look at the pickles...it's just a fact of my pickle discipline. So I was pleasantly surprised, when after 5 years of stalking the aisles of the Gristede's grocery store on 26th Street in Manhattan, I finally saw something NEW. And not only are they new, but they are also POLISH, Poland's Finest, they claim.

I took a jar home this past week and they are already gone. They aren't the best pickles in the world, but as far as store brands are concerned, they are better than average. They are very similar in flavor to the Gundelsheim Pickles I buy often but they are a bit smaller and have a crunchier texture. They also come in a very cool jar, which reminds me to share a link to a blog I just discovered called Food In Jars!

All in all, I am happy to see these pickles on my local grocer's shelf. I wish they were a little cheaper as they are a good "everyday pickle" for me. I practically ate my whole jar over the 4th of July weekend along with a big bag of Ruffles chips employing a Tackett family recipe for Pickle Sandwiches: a slice or bite of pickle in between 2 chips... Classic Tackett "cooking".


Anonymous said...

I love poland's finest pickes.
What do you rate as your top three store brands?

Martha said...

We love Poland's Finest Pickles and rate them the best of the best, but we can't find them easily. Being the Picky Polish Pickle Freaks that we are, we drive a half and hour to the Wegman's store just to buy them...and sometimes we make that trip and find that the shelf is empty!
Does anyone know where to buy these heavenly treats?
PPPF's of Wyndmoor, PA

William G. said...

$5.99 a jar?!?!?!?!

They are $1.99 a jar here in Ohio at a store called Marc's. Same size jar and everything.

Katy said...

Welcome to Manhattan. Where everything costs 4 times what it should!