Thursday, October 22, 2009


Pickle Day (yep, STILL talkin' about it!) is all about the samples and there were so many great vendors at Pickle Day this year I didn't even get to check them ALL out.

I was pleased to be stationed all day right next to my faves, McClures Pickles,where the line for pickles and samples went on forever. I didn't linger around the free samples and pretend like I'd never had their pickles before, well, because they know me too well, but I DID get to meet Daddy McClure this year and that was a real treat. It was an honor to meet him and he couldn't have been nicer and more proud of how far his 2 sons, Joe and Bob, have taken the family recipe. I walked away with a jar of pickles, a t-shirt and a fantasy of a soap opera worthy plot to fake DNA samples to prove I'm a long lost McClure daughter...and I'm hoping that next year I'll meet my real mother at the festival.

I didn't have to even ASK Rick Field of Rick's Picks for a lock of hair to prove our kinship, he just came right on over to my tent like family...we posed for family portraits with the big pickle but damn if my camera didn't get stolen. Rick was being generous that day with other samples, pickle related samples, as well-he had fried smokra and Handy Corn quesadillas. I haven't officially talked about Handy Corn yet, but oooooh lordy, is it good. It's a delicious corn relish with a pickle twang that drives me wild! I'm really sorry that I missed out on those samples, but it feels good to use a little restraint every once in awhile...I guess...

One area where I did NOT use any restraint was at the Brooklyn Brine table. I'd only become aware of these new local picklers a couple of weeks before the big day and I'd just gotten my first jar a few days before. I started with a jar of their Hot Heirloom Cucumbers and was immediately smitten. When I ate one of the peppers from the jar and had to lay down for 20 minutes afterwards, I knew, I was in looooove. I made my way down the table of samples and tried to keep my cool. I failed. Brooklyn Brine is a brand new pickle company that uses all organic, local produce and is producing an amazing line of products that changes all the time. I hear from a well connected source that their latest whiskey barrel cured sours are ready and I can't wait to try them! I'll be writing more about these guys for sure and am really excited for me...I mean them.


David Millar said...

Love the site. We are going to be linking up to your posts on our twitter account. We just did our first one.

You should get a twitter account to promote your blog. You can send links back to your content.

Katy said...

Thanks David!
Pickle Freak will be twittering soon-but the account name "picklefreak" is already taken-oh no!-
any suggestions out there?