Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Screaming Pickle Sauce

Dear Moon River Brewing Company,
I recently ordered and received my shipment of your Screaming Pickle Sauce and I noticed on the back in the nutritional information it says there are 30 servings per bottle. So can you please explain to me WHY, after my first time using it, that less than HALF the bottle is left?

Luckily I ordered your 5 bottle package so I should have at least enough to see me through the weekend. That is, if I use a little restraint and we all know I'm no good at that, so if you are open to consumer suggestions I would like to ask that you crank this stuff out and sell it in 1/2 gallon jugs like the geniuses over at Franks Red Hot Sauce.
Pickle Freak

" A sadistic blend" is RIGHT. The strong pickle flavor is what you notice first but the serrano chili heat sneaks up on you, especially when you've dumped half a bottle on your lunch. I don't know what you're really supposed to eat it on, but for me, the answer is EVERYTHING. If I had enough I'd give bottles out to Trick or Treat-ers, but I don't, so stay away kids.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

6 Minutes In: I'm on Pickle Club TV!

Click this link to take a video tour of Pickle Day 2009 and then book your flight for next year's event! You can see all the pickle celebs and even me and the lovely Pickle Girl. Go ahead, click!

9th Annual International Pickle Festival, NY, NY

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Pickle Day (yep, STILL talkin' about it!) is all about the samples and there were so many great vendors at Pickle Day this year I didn't even get to check them ALL out.

I was pleased to be stationed all day right next to my faves, McClures Pickles,where the line for pickles and samples went on forever. I didn't linger around the free samples and pretend like I'd never had their pickles before, well, because they know me too well, but I DID get to meet Daddy McClure this year and that was a real treat. It was an honor to meet him and he couldn't have been nicer and more proud of how far his 2 sons, Joe and Bob, have taken the family recipe. I walked away with a jar of pickles, a t-shirt and a fantasy of a soap opera worthy plot to fake DNA samples to prove I'm a long lost McClure daughter...and I'm hoping that next year I'll meet my real mother at the festival.

I didn't have to even ASK Rick Field of Rick's Picks for a lock of hair to prove our kinship, he just came right on over to my tent like family...we posed for family portraits with the big pickle but damn if my camera didn't get stolen. Rick was being generous that day with other samples, pickle related samples, as well-he had fried smokra and Handy Corn quesadillas. I haven't officially talked about Handy Corn yet, but oooooh lordy, is it good. It's a delicious corn relish with a pickle twang that drives me wild! I'm really sorry that I missed out on those samples, but it feels good to use a little restraint every once in awhile...I guess...

One area where I did NOT use any restraint was at the Brooklyn Brine table. I'd only become aware of these new local picklers a couple of weeks before the big day and I'd just gotten my first jar a few days before. I started with a jar of their Hot Heirloom Cucumbers and was immediately smitten. When I ate one of the peppers from the jar and had to lay down for 20 minutes afterwards, I knew, I was in looooove. I made my way down the table of samples and tried to keep my cool. I failed. Brooklyn Brine is a brand new pickle company that uses all organic, local produce and is producing an amazing line of products that changes all the time. I hear from a well connected source that their latest whiskey barrel cured sours are ready and I can't wait to try them! I'll be writing more about these guys for sure and am really excited for me...I mean them.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Olan Who?

What the hell? It's already been over a week since Pickle Day and I've barely gushed about it, so here goes, Part UNO of my possibly endless Pickle Day recap:

OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. OH my was soooooo much fun. I barely slept the night before and got up early that morning so I could meet Pickle Girl for a quick shot of caffeine and sugar before we headed over to set up our tent. Oh yeah, me, Pickle Girl and Pickle Club TV shared a tent this year. I didn't just work Pickle Day this year, I WORKED Pickle Day this year.

In pickle days of past (yore?) I always made it a point to have my picture taken with the big green papier mache pickle I always found there, lingering about the festival, so this year, when the organizer of the event said "sure, you can help!" I knew right away what I wanted to do. I wanted to set up a photo backdrop that would give Olan Mills and K-Mart a run for their holiday photo money.

And by damn, I think we succeeded. I'm framin' mine.

I posed for this picture at least 20 times that day with ALL the pickle celebrities so you can imagine how crushed I was later in the day to realize my camera was missing. I'm convinced that Pickle Day has been and always will be a crime free event, so if you picked my camera up by mistake, it's OK. We can meet and you can return it and we'll relive the whole day when we browse through the pictures again!

But in the meantime, if any of you out there have pictures from the big day, please upload them to the flickr group I created (you have to have a yahoo/flickr account and then joing the group) OR you can just email them to me...

Ok, next time I'll tell you all about the pickles I ate and the pickle I met!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Fermenting Re-Birth!

Today in Philly is the Fermentation Festival and if the sound of THAT doesn't get you goin' you need to re-think your life!

All good things in life are fermented!

Here's a great article about today's event featuring a quote from guess who!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Known in the Blogosphere!

This article on The makes me wish I could re-live Pickle Day all over again, and oh hey, LOOK, Pickle Freak is quoted!

I enjoyed talking to writer Jeffrey Yoskowitz on Sunday who also asked me where I thought the future of pickles was heading. My deep, personal answer? "In my mouth."

Yes, speaking to the press and talking about pickles comes quite naturally it seems.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Pickle Day 2009

Yes, it's true. As you can clearly see in the picture, Pickle Freak has ARRIVED!

Yesterday's Pickle Day 2009 was a great success and hands down the most fun I've had all year! I have many pictures to sort through and lots of reflecting to do, so stay tuned and if you have pics please email me or upload them to the Pickle Day Flickr page.

If you were lucky enough to attend Pickle Day 2009 let me know what you thought of the festival this year!