Saturday, November 21, 2009

Meet Me at Port Authority

Set those alarm clocks and sleep in your shoes, 'cause we're getting up EARLY in the morning tomorrow to catch the bus to the 12th Annual Rosendale Pickle Festival!!!

All the pickle people I gently and lovingly stalk will be there: McClure's Pickles, Rick's Picks, Brooklyn Brine, and Horman's Best and I'm looking forward to checking out Spacey Tracey's pickles and her pickle truck selling FRIED PICKLES. I'm gonna be extra critical when it comes to those fried pickles... I keep those things close to my clogged up heart.

I'm also hoping I can elbow my way past the 10 year olds and get a place in the pickle juice drinking contest and the pickle toss contest. Yes, I HAVE been practicing.

OK-so be there early -the bus to Pickle Town pulls out at 9:30 AM. If you stay out too late tonight and sleep in, don't worry, I'll understand....losers.


Anonymous said...

You are so funny... love your blog.

Garlic Man from Texas

picklemom said...

So how did the pickle juice driking contest go?

Katy said...

I need to do some serious training for next year...I sucked at sucking pickle juice through a straw.