Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Big in Brooklyn

Pickles are very popular right now and you know what? I'm gonna take credit for it.
EASY...butwhat is not easy is coming up with the explanation for WHY they are so popular right now and it makes for interesting speculation...

My quote in the Atlantic was "there's some sort of deep connection going on with pickles now" and I've been asked several times to explain it and honestly for me it's difficult to explain, other than I was "born that way". But why are so many other people finding this connection and why now?

I think the recent November 11th article "The Pickle Posse" in the New York Observer did a really good job of putting some perspective on the pickle revival but it was Bob McClure, in my opinion, who really nailed it when he mentioned the connection between the increasing population of overeducated, recently unemployed thirtysomethings looking for a way to be resourceful and the new pull towards pickling. Brooklyn is indeed saturated with overeducated, well-traveled, ambitious, opinionated and well fed, good-lookin' kids (call me!)and a whole bunch of them are using this period of economic "down time" to not only pursue their passions but to also support others who are doing the same. I think we are collectively spending our hard earned or unemployment-dispensed dollars to buy something that has meaning behind it, even down to our pickles. We like to drink locally, shop locally, party locally and eat locally and if you want proof of all of this coming together, I'll see you at The Brooklyn Flea on Sunday (ok, not THIS Sunday, but maybe the next for Xmas shopping)!

And that, god bless us all, is why I love Brooklyn so very much...and also for the pickles.