Friday, January 15, 2010

Pickle Party!

The Pickle Club and Pickle Freak invite you to join us for an ongoing series of pickling...from the inside out! We're meeting at Uncle Vanya to drink vodka, eat pickles and talk about pickles and meet other friendly freaks who enjoy the same.

All YOU have to do is show up with $5 or a jar of something homemade and pickled!
If you're a pickle vendor bring two jars of your pickles..and don’t forget to bring extra jars in case someone (ok ME) wants to buy them.

Please RSVP by either leaving a comment on this post or by emailing me at or

Here are the details:

Where: Uncle Vanya

Date: Jan 19¸ 2010

Time: 6:30pm - 9:30pm

Address: 315 West 54th Street (just off 8th Avenue)


Ernest said...

Sounds like a blast! Wish I could attend, but I'm stranded up here in Maine, and on top of it all, we're down to our last jar of homemade dilly beans! I hope to attend an event in the near future...
Have fun!

. said...

Brooklyn Brine will be attending this with bells on.

Katy said...

Awesome!!! My money's on Joya in the vodka drinking contest!!!

Katy said...

Ernest-don't worry, there will be more chances to haul your dilly beans down here!

randasfans said...

Y'all have fun, y'hear!