Friday, March 19, 2010

Grillo's In New York!

**These retail for $6.99 and are in Whole Foods in NY MA
CT RI & NH and also online

Remember Grillo's Pickles and how jealous you were that they were just sold in Boston? Well, now you can get them in New York at Whole Foods! I got an email from Travis Grillo with the exciting news and hopped on the bus and went down to

the Union Square Whole Foods to see for myself.

I had to fight my way through a throng of shoppers and carts to get to them, but by god, I made it, and yep, sure enough, there they were in the cold case. And not just Grillo's Italian Dills but HOT Grillo's Italian Dills!!!

How have I not had these? Travis-you got some 'splainin' to do.

I didn't grab these hot ones like I wanted too because the place was a freakin' circus, I've already been run over by a woman and child in a grocery store in Fairway, so I'll come back on a Monday, during the early part of the day, when I'll have a clearer shot at my prey. Grillo's Italian Dills are also available online, so if you don't like Boston, New York, Whole Foods or crazed people ramming into you with hot soup and kale, then you're in LUCK!

Look at all that garlic...damn, I've gotta go back in there and get some.


girl chris said...

Holy cow, do I hate Whole Foods. But for good pickles? Perhaps!