Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Thunder Pickles and The Year of More

Happy New Year Everyone!

I've made ONE resolution for the New Year and that's to talk MORE about pickles. This means I'll have to buy more pickles, make more pickles, eat more pickles and celebrate more pickles. All for you. Because you're worth it.

This also means I have some catching up to do since I wasn't as "resolved" last year (just about the talking, well, more specifically the BLOGGING part). So here we go, let's get caught up shall we? Try and keep up.

Thunder Pickles

I shouldn't even have to go any further, I mean, come ON, they're called THUNDER PICKLES. From now on, when I'm driving my big rig, that's my handle. But if you insist on knowing more, click here and read how they got the awesome name and about the cool, 60 acre, organic farm where they come from. Katchkie Farms produces fresh, um... produce, for a catering company called Great Performances which began as a waitress staffing company to help support women in the arts to supplement their meager artists' wages. Awesome. They continue to do amazing things and I'm just thrilled that pickles are a part of their legacy!

I picked up my first jar of Thunder Pickles from the Spuyten Duyvil store in Williamsburg on my way to a bar for a "quick drink". It's funny, but as soon as people hear you have pickles in your purse, they just go crazy. Matthew, the bartender at The Abbey was especially enthused to have a pickle spear snack and there's nothing better than an excited bartender.I made it home that night (barely) with ONE LONELY Thunder Pickle left in the jar. I saved it for weeks.

When I finally ate it, I marveled at the sophistication of this pickle. It's so many things at once, dill, spicy and sweet, but not sugary sweet, sweet with this what Thunder tastes like?


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Lisa said...

Why don't they have a thunder pickles t-shirt? The farm logo is nice, but it is no thunder pickles!

Katy said...

Thanks anonymous!
I agree with Lisa-a Thunder Pickles t-shirt would be bad ass!