Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Double Entendre Pickles

A couple of weeks ago I got an email from a total stranger asking me to come over to his apartment and to talk to him about pickles, which is weird because I don't even have an eHarmony account... but then a few days after that I got an email in my picklefreak inbox from a guy with a first and last name who was starting his new year with a resolution to learn something new every month. First on Tyler's list? Noooo, not soliciting sex on the internet—learning how to make his own pickles!

Tyler and his guests provided the booze, brine supplies and produce

and I brought the jars, a few spices, and a little bit of know how...
oh yeah and a bartender—my friend Becca! She used a few spare jars and filled 'em up with pickle martinis for everyone.

Assembled was a fearless group of picklers-we pickled cucumbers, green beans, carrots, cauliflower, eggs and even watermelon based on a family recipe from the Ukraine*.

While we boiled our huge batch of brine, we sipped our cocktails and labeled our jars with the amazingly nifty labels made just for the party!

It was a really, really fun party and I'm impressed by how many jars we made and the variations everyone tried. We took a "one-brine-fits-all" approach to our pickling so I'm really curious to see what everyone thinks of the pickles they took home. It's my hope that what everyone really took from this party was a fun pickling experience that will encourage then all to keep experimenting and tweaking their own recipes.

And if you were THERE, then you know why I included this last photo: HOT LIDS!!!

I really want to thank Tyler, his girlfriend Iliana and EVERYONE who came. I had a fabulous time and hope to hear feedback from you all when you open your pickles on February 1st (if you can make it that long!!!) I also can't wait to hear what they learn how to do next month...keep me posted Tyler!

*the watermelon was not pickled with vinegar but water, salt and sugar...I've never experimented with watermelon before but I have to say, it's next on my list to be de-mystified!


Katy said...

I have so many pictures from this event that I plan to post them later on Pickle Freak! If YOU have pictures you want posted, please email them to me:

Maryana said...

Hey Katy,
I don't know about you, but I already cracked into my watermelon...and actually finished off the last of it with Tyler and Iliana last night. I think it turned out pretty darn fantastic, if I do say so myself! I even had some very discerning family members give it a taste, and I got thumbs up all around (Tyler and Ili enjoyed it muchly as well)! Give it a taste (it's ready for the eatin') and let me know what you think...I'd love feedback from the expert herself! Oh, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of your pictures from the Pickle Party!
- Maryana

Katy said...

I am soo glad you are pleased with the results and I'm endeared to you because you just couldn't wait and you've already polished off the jar! Nice going! I'll let you know when I try mine...and I'll get some more pics up soon I promise.