Friday, May 28, 2010

Pickle Backs-Live and Learn

Tuesday night was The Pickle Club-hosted Pickle Party at Destination Bar where they serve fried pickles and the increasingly popular Pickle Back - a shot of whiskey with a pickle juice chaser. When the bartender set these up I was hoping the pickle juice was going in the larger glass but as you can see from my hand model, who wishes to remain anonymous, that was not the case.

In order to maintain my false identity as a "journalist", I felt it necessary to try the Pickle Back. Do I know what whiskey tastes like? Ugh...yeah. Do I know what pickle juice tastes like? Um, YEAH. But what happens when one follows the other? MAGIC, very dangerous magic!

It was my educated guess that the pickle juice Destination Bar used as the chaser was from a variety of Ricks Picks, either Spears of Influence or Kool Gherks, but I honestly don't know. I ALSO don't know what happened the rest of the night, besides a quick photo with my pickle pal Jennifer and a few more Buds. Thank you Pickle Backs. Live and Learn.

If you can handle your whiskey I highly recommend the Pickle Back, but you see, I CAN'T and I already knew this but I did it anyway,(duty calls!) on an empty stomach to boot. So what's the moral of this story? Well, obviously it's THIS: if you add pickle juice to any number of vices, I'm gonna have to do it.

Pass the syringe.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Pickle Party

Come out Tuesday, May 25th for The Pickle Club's next Pickle Party!

If there's a promise of pickles and booze, you know I will be there, and if there's not a promise of booze and pickles, check my purse.

Here are the details:
Tuesday May 25th at 6:30 PM-11:30 PM
Destination Bar
211 Avenue A at 13th Street
Half price drinks until 9!

Jennifer of The Pickle Club has organized this and it's gonna be a great way to inspire you to gear up for the pickling season, meet professional picklers and young entrepenuers or just hang out with pickle enthusiasts. Or, if you want, just come out and point at the crazy pickle people. Go ahead, we won't care one bit.

The bar is serving Pickle Backs and Fried Pickles so get there early and say hello before I'm too drunk and bloated to speak..say...6:45?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Scapes on a Plate!!!!

I've had enough of these motherf*ckin' scapes on this motherf*ckin' plate!!!!!

Hahaha. Just kidding. I dream of being on a plane overtaken with garlic scapes and the only way out alive is to eat them all. If a baby's life depends on me finishing this jar, I'd be giving its frantic mother a reassuring wink right about now that says don't worry ma'am, we're all going to be ok.

Garlic scapes are the plant that shoot out of the garlic bulb, which is really good to know since I've been telling people it's the "vine that garlic grows on"...shows how much I know. But maybe you'll forgive me, because I've never grown garlic and every time I've taken this jar of scapes out, no one ELSE knows what they are either. I encountered garlic scapes for the first time at the 2006 International Pickle Festival where there was a woman with a gallon jar of them, all tangled up, pulling them out, cutting them up and sharing then with anyone who passed by but it was 3 years later before I had my own jar to feast on (A Feast of Scapes?).

This jar, which is the only jar of scapes I've ever had, was given to me by none other than Pickle Girl when we met to discuss our joint participation in the 2009 International Pickle Festival. We had a fabulous day but I'm sad to say that the "pickle universe" hasn't seen much of Pickle Girl since then! The scapes themselves have a slight garlicky flavor (always a good thing) but these from Pickle Girl have a delicious brine. Her recipe is posted on her blog here so she's thrown us all a rescue line to save ourselves from a lack of pickled garlic scapes and for that we should be grateful.

But we sure do miss you Pickle Girl! Power to the Pickle!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Kosher Style

Couples today just don't take the time to sit down to a nice pickle anymore.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

2 Year Anniversary

If you've been reading along since the "old days", before all the damn kids started ruining things, then you can celebrate 2 years of Pickle Freak dedication! I'm just kidding about all the damn kids.