Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Recipe: Pickled Garlic Scapes

2 cups water
2 cups distilled white vinegar (5%)
1/4 cup of kosher salt (actually just under 1/4 cup)

In each jar: a pinch of mustard seeds, a few hot peppers, fresh sprigs of dill, 2-3 garlic cloves. This brine made just enough for 1 quart of pickled garlic scapes and 2 pints of sliced cucumbers.

I pickled on a whim after I saw these garlic scapes for sale at the Farmer's Market for $2 a bunch and then I noticed a giant bunch of dill close by for only $1.50 so I grabbed them both and said "Why not?" I had my other basic supplies already back at home-vinegar, spices, jars, lids, etc. I just made one more stop at the small bodega right off my subway stop and I grabbed a couple of Kirby cucumbers and 5 hot peppers for a dollar.

I had no recipe in mind. I just cleaned my produce, and got ready to pack my jars. I used a quart jar for the scapes-they wouldn't fit in the jar the way they were bundled from the market, so I took each one indvidually and coiled it in the jar and they just look beautiful that way. Down in the center of the "coil" I poked in a sprinkle of mustard seed, 2 or 3 hot peppers, sprigs of fresh dill, and yes, I added garlic to my garlic scapes. Why not? When you pickle on a whim you can do ANYTHING!

Then I did the same with my cukes. I just cut them in to slices and crammed then into their half pint jars. (My roommate Breuk took this lovely photo).

The cucumbers turned out AMAZING-in fact, I think they are my favorite ones I've made to date. I've already polished off the first jar, leaving me with the dilemma of eating the 2nd jar myself or actually sharing...
The pickled garlic scapes are interesting in that the taste changes a bit as your work your way through a vine. The fatter, more fibrous end is my favorite part with the more narrow tips being a little more bitter. I think they may take a little more time to bathe in the brine than the pickles. I'm already eating them but I know they will get better over time-if I can wait that is!