Monday, September 20, 2010

The Journey South pt. 1

I'm a little in between worlds right now-I've officially left Brooklyn and have been drifting South the entire month of September. On the way to Mississippi I made a stop in Asheville, NC and visited the Biltmore Estate-of course they had a Christmas "shoppe" and of course I found these:

Other pickle stops included buying a jar of "Smokey Mountain Baby Dills" from a roadside stand outside of the Cherokee Indian Reservation in Tennessee:

They didn't taste homemade at all and I suspect they are mass produced to appear "homemade" at roadstands just like these all over the region, but still, I needed a pickle on the road and well, they did the job.

I had better luck once I reached Oxford,MS. My first stop was at my friend Laurie's restaurant called Tallulah's Kitchen. She serves a variety of wonderful dishes, but I ordered a container full of FRIED STUFF-her homemade corndog and fried pickles-I've been HOMESICK ok, so just lemme have my fried stuff!

Both were amazing. The pickles were nice and thin, just like I like 'em but they still had a strong pickle-y taste to them. The corndog was simply a religious experience.

Later that same evening, my pilgrimage continued, to the holy places of Oxford, MS; Square Books, Thacker Mountain Radio and of course, my waterin' hole. When I lived in Oxford it was called The Longshot and it was the place I spent a lot of time with a lot of people, but mostly with my friend Jim. We had a table near the Ms. Pac-Man game and the jukebox that could magically be the social center of the universe or the quietest place in town. Now The Longshot is gone and is a sushi place called Two Stick and it was there last week that I made a new pickle freak pal named PJ.

Upon my arrival in Oxford, my friend Laura Beth presented me with a jar of her homemade spicy pickles and I stuffed them in my purse to try later. Several bars and beers later, I made it to The former Longshot with my pals and I whipped out the pickles and passed the jar around. Once PJ explained that his initials really stand for "pickle juice" I went to the bar, grabbed 2 straws and we sucked down an entire quart of pickle juice much to the horror of everyone else in the place.

It feels great to be back.


jimmycrackedcorn said...

Please tell me you did NOT drink a quart of pickle juice.

Ruby said...

Of course she did...that's how she stays so young. Forget vampires...pickles and pickle juice are the world's best kept beauty secret.