Thursday, May 8, 2008

Refrigerate After Opening

Hello, my name is Katy and I'm a Pickle Freak.

As a small child it was unwise to leave me unattended as I was quiet and could sneak into the fridge and devour a whole jar of pickles in one sitting. Eventually my sister and I had to find a way to make our pickles LAST so we wouldn't run out so quickly and have to beg for more. These were homemade pickles and a precious commodity. First we would eat all of the "bumps" on the skin of the pickle, one by one, slooowly, then we developed a way to "mine" the inside of a pickle. We would take a drinking straw and try to extract all the juice, after nibbling the outside, and once dehydrated we would split the pickle open and slowly indulge in what remained of our pickle corpse. Pretty ritualistic stuff. We had an equally disturbing and specific way of eating Slim Jims too, but I'll save that for later!

So yeah, I could talk about pickles all day long and that's just what I intend to do here.


jhiggins said...

Wow, Katy.

Until just a few seconds ago I'd been operating under the assumption that my own childhood had been the most irregular of all.

That detailed description of you exsanguinating the pickles with a drinking straw... I feel like I just saw you naked, but in a not sexy way. More like I walked in on you attending to a large, inflamed hemorrhoid.

Very troubling indeed. I'm eager to hear more.

Katy said...

You WOULD want more...and you'll get it too mister.

pixen said...

hahahhaaa...I love reading your blog and the way you and your sister optimised the benefits of pickles. :-) I think at that ages, I only tasted pickled papayas, mangos, leeks, eggs, other sorts of pickle-able sour fruits and chutneys but not those we considered 'Westernised' pickles :-D For me, East or West pickles taste just as fascinating and yummylicious!