Friday, March 25, 2011

On the Brain

It's SPRINGTIME and I can't concentrate. Here's a portrait of my brain.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Rocket Pickles

I just ate the last two DELICIOUS pickle spears in my tiny, precious jar of ROCKET PICKLES.

I am in mourning.
This small jar of pickles was one of the most powerful I've had in awhile. I rationed out small nips of the brine and limited myself to only a couple of spears at a time all while my gluttonous instincts said "eat the whole jar NOW!"...

I was sent this lovely half pint of habanero seasoned pickles back in January after perusing the website for Black Powder Foods based in Rutland, Vermont and adding them to my Xmas wish list of pickles. The pickles arrived in January so you can clearly see how much restraint I have used in nibbling them. The Rocket Pickles are just one of many pickle varieties they offer, (naturally I went straight for the hottest) but they have LOTS more and I'm already working on my pickle budget so I can get them ALL!

Perfect Pickle Spears-yep!
Tarragon and Rosemary Pickled Garlic-ok!
Haba-Dilly Beans-now please!
Margarita Pickles-must.have.
Sunshine Pickles (Lemon, Pepper and Rosemary)-oh yeah
Habanero Relish-I love pain
Dark Matter Hard Candy (habanero CANDY)-This would make a great band name and yes I must have this!

Well, Black Powder Foods, you've been warned...I like what you do and I'm going to make sure you keep doing it.
I will mourn the loss of my Rocket Pickles but will celebrate knowing more will be launched my way soon!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Beat Me or Eat Me

Heads up NOLA-Theo Peck and Nick Suarez have been stirring up cooking battles in Brooklyn for a couple of years and now they are comin' to get YOU. The Food Experimentst cooking battles are hitting the road for a national tour and land in NOLA on Sunday, April 3rd at The Howlin' Wolf.

The challenge for New Orleans is BRUNCH, a meal we should know a thing or two about since it falls right between drinking all night and drinking all day!

Visit the website to apply and enter your brunchy best or to buy your ticket to attend. Admission gives you free reign to snack and judge and also lands a Brooklyn Brewery beer in your free hand. Winning gets you amazing bragging rights and a trip to Brooklyn to compete against other national winners.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Pardon Me

I haven't had much time lately for bloggin' because New Orleans turns into a 2+week party for Mardi Gras every year. I've had friends in town visiting, I've eaten like a queen, I've spent any free evenings I've had making my costume with a friend and just generally living a fantastic life. I'll get back around to blogging soon, but first, St. Patrick's Day this weekend with my sister's family and my pickle freak nieces!

I hope you all are having as much fun as I am-Pickle Power!!!