Sunday, February 20, 2011

(((Zayda's Pickles)))

My prayers have been answered!
Zayda's Pickles are now available online!!!!!

Consider yourself a lucky bastard now, because previously these were a little harder to come by. I seriously encourage you to explore this whole line of products. I can say the pickles and the peppers are amazingly delicious and spicy and I can't wait to try the salsa! You can read my earlier posts about the magic of Zayda's here and here.


Just Jess said...

I saw some delish-looking jars of pickles that I don't know if you've tried yet yesterday at Big Fisherman!

Conscious Choice said...


Until you have tried one of these you haven't lived. These are award winners and we compete against, salsa, sauces and such. Don't kid yourself you have never tasted anything like ours.

Katy said...

WOw-I want the 4x Habanero Pickles!!!!