Friday, August 12, 2011


Do you have a garden bursting with jalapeno peppers and wondering what to do with them? I sure as shit don't, but I'm hoping you will, because I need to make more of THESE! A friend at work was awesome enough to bring me a big bag of peppers from his garden and I brought them home, cracked open my fridge and decided to do this:

I had a few cubes of salsa jack cheese from Whole Foods and a few wrapped pepper jack string cheese things (?) so I washed, split and seeded my peppers and stuffed them with cheese. Next I took a few slices of bacon (I only had turkey bacon) and split each right down the middle into 2 thinner slices and wrapped them around my stuffed peppers.

I popped them into my small toaster over and waited a few minutes and then devoured these beautiful things.

The peppers were nicely roasted, the cheese was all melted and the bacon was crisp. What more could you ask for in a snack? I wish you could grow jalapenos to the size of eggplants so I could make a huge one and eat it for a long time...these things were amazingly delicious and probably the best thing I've ever just up and decided to make. A friend of mine, Mike Walton told me he does the same thing with peppers but with a slightly different technique.

He slices off the tip and top of the pepper and wearing a glove, removes all of the seeds. Then he stuffs the pepper with cream cheese and wraps the whole thing in bacon, using the bacon to cover each open end of the pepper and then roasts.

I don't think there is any variation of this that would not be good?
What's your recipe?


Courtney Allison said...

I may need to give this snack a whirl! Those sound delish. In fact, my tummy just started growling!

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