Monday, May 23, 2011

Pickle Juice (on Ice)

When I was a kid the best summer treat was a big 'ol sno cone from Loretta's Sno Cone Hut-a small aluminum shed that would magically appear in the hottest spot (literally and figuratively) in town, the Wal-Mart parking lot- and stay until the next school year began. I'm ashamed to admit that as a young pickle freak I never even DREAMED of a pickle juice sno cone but I was known to take shaved ice and poke it down into my actual pickle to exaggerate the tartness of my concession stand treat.

Well, maybe I shoulda been born in Texas. There the pickle juice sno cone is a common treat as this pic taken by a friend suggests and is evidence of a people who know how to beat the heat.

Well, the folks in Texas may have ONE up on us in new Orleans, but don't get TOO cocky yet ya hear?
If you happen to know me personally, you should be well aware of my new obsession with a NOLA treat called the Sno Ball. Don't call it a Sno CONE, because it's NOT-it's much more fine than a sno..ugh..i don't even want to SAY IT (cone). See, we took the shaved ice all you other people know and love and spun it into something else. Yeah, SNOW. Well, at least one place has and it's the holy grail of sno ball joints-Hansen's Sno Bliz-old man Hansen invented his own fine shaving ice machine and the result is unlike anything I've ever had. I'd rather eat a sno bliz snoball than any other sweet thing in the whole wide world.

So now let's put some pickle juice on it!

Actually somebody already has, at another snoball joint called "Droopy's"-they use sour pickle juice and will even poke a pickle down the middle of your snoball if you ask nicely but they are waayyy out in the 'burbs and as I don't have a car, I haven't ventured out to Droopy's....but you KNOW I WILL but in the meantime, I'm making friends with the kids at Hansen's so if (when) I show up there with a jar of pickles they won't even blink...


Violet said...

1] i love pickles
2] i love sno cones
3] i'm upset that i never THOUGHT to combine them

Anonymous said...

dont go dissin Texas now i have been following you for a few years now and i recall you saying that you lived in our great state at one time

Pepper said...

The snoball stand that features the pickle snoball is Droopy's (not Snoopy's), on Jefferson Hwy in Harahan. They're selling more and more of them every day!

Pickle Freak said...

Pepper-THANK You-I'll make the correction-Have you been to Droopy's and had one? I still need to make the trip and try it!