Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Dill with It!

Happy Anniversary to Pickle Freak! 4 years ago today I pecked out a little post about my pickle obsession and I haven't shut up since!
I've blabbed about pickles not only here in my own little pickle world but at parties, events, on the web and most recently even in print! I've discovered pickle soup, pickle booze, pickle drinks, more pickle booze, and pickle weirdness but most of all, I've discovered amazing people making amazing pickles and along the way I've found all sorts of pickle happiness! Thanks to all of my friends who over the years have listened to me ramble endlessly about pickles and even encouraged it. You've shipped me pickles from all over the world, saved me that pickle flavored dental floss you bought somewhere, sent me pictures of all the weird pickle stuff your eye is now trained to see and most especially I love it whenever one of you says "I can't eat a pickle now without thinking of you!" That's what means the most to me!
PS-There's no stopping me!


Anonymous said...

Wow!! Will you marry me? I finally found someone that could quite possibly share my pickle predilection. It's awesome that you exist - someone so in love with pickles that they created a website dedicated to them. Knowing this has somehow made the world a better place for me.

I make TONS of pickles. I have for 10 years. I see that you like Brooklyn Brinery and Horman's. Besides the ones that I make, Horman's half sour spicy are my favorites in the whole world. I also like Harold's Texicuns. Find those if you haven't tried them.

I read on one of your posts this afternoon about someone putting caramelized onions in their pickles. I made a batch of dills tonight and in one of my jars I put caramelized onions!! Can't wait to try them, althought the brine looks like it might get all brown. I might have to experiment to get it right.

You are awesome! Pickle lovers of the world UNITE!!