Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pickles and Popcorn

Brianna commented in an earlier post that in elementary school she and her classmates would sell pickles and popcorn to raise money. Genius I say!!! When I was a kid, we sold, umm... pencils...yeah, not exactly genius, but I guess bubblegum scented pencils were sort of cool.

Anyway, I have a pretty strong popcorn habit, not quite like my pickle habit, but close enough. Back in December I was jonesin' so bad for my air popper that I left behind in New York I asked my mom to buy me a new one for Xmas and now I use it at least once a day. Of course my mind has since wondered how to combine my popcorn love with my pickle love but so far my first attempt has been a HUGE FAIL. I took the direct route and "drizzled" pickle juice over my popcorn. It made a sad sizzle sound when the juice met the popped kernels and made the popcorn really soggy. Oh yeah, I ate it anyway but I won't be trying that "recipe" again. I wonder now if a misting spray bottle would work? Hmmmm....

Naturally I turned to the internet for answers. Here's a good selection of the basic varieties I found.

This recipe is one you can try at home but I'm a little scared because what if I eat nothing else for the rest of my life?Jolly Time Lime Pickle Popcorn Recipe

Does the weird green color turn you off? Not me.
Popcorn Wagon

Gluten Free, hipster pickle popcorn.

For the office, for your purse, for your pocket, sniff it, smoke it, snort it-it's an Urban Accent!


Brianna said...

Pickles and popcorn compliment one another perfectly! I like to take a bite of my pickle, add a couple of popped kernals in and munch together.. so good.. and then wash it down with a cold coke. When I watch movies I almost always do this.. one of the simple joys of my life :)

PS.. I must say I was delighted to be mentioned in your wonderful, blog about pickles.

Katy said...

Can you believe I've never tried that? But I WILL and I will love it and I'll have you to thank!

Angela said...

My sis and I put pickled jalapenos on our popcorn when we go to the combo ever!